When my phone's barcode reader app sees a web link, it fetches the page's title to display next to the actual link. So it is going to that web server and fetching resources by itself. Even though it isn't actually rendering the page and running javascript, it might be exploitable.
But that's the barcode app - is it always running, looking for barcodes in all the photos you take? Because there are already shirt with giant barcodes on them - presumably just artistic with no meaning, but who knows?
My phone's camera app just doesn't scan qr codes. It's actually really frustrating. I refuse to install a specific qr scanner, but I'd still like the ability to scan a menu code at restaurants or to get the WiFi connection at a hotel....
I'm not sure if you could actually get criminal charges for this unless you were hosting the malware in which case that's another issue. It would essentially be the same as walking around with a website URL on your shirt. The observer is responsible for typing in the URL or scanning the code and what they decide to do on the website that follows.
I tend to agree that this is how it should be, that doesn't mean that's how it is. If you walk around with a T-shirt that says "kill all CEOs" along with where to find them, you're going to run into some trouble, despite being a similar situation- you're just giving instructions, it's up to the viewer what to do with them.
Can we just get a website that plays a soundbite at full volume screaming about how they person is bad at privacy practices, maybe with Korn in the background for maximum embarrassment?
Not if it incites violence, causes harm or any of the other carve outs in the first amendment of the USA.
I am aware that the post is supposed to be funny, and you are most likely making a joke, but this is the internet and these sort of disclaimers tend to be necessary.
The largest QR code can hold up to 3 kb of data, which is more than enough to write a nasty virus in an injectable script if aimed at specific devices/apps.
The main hurdle is breaking the app to execute the code instead of treating it as a string. It's the Drop Bobby Tables joke. Developers hopefully don't fall for this anymore.
Anyway. Making a shitty link and leading people there isn't a new idea. You don't even need a t-shirt. Hackers already place their own printed QR labels on top of otherwise real codes, and the user might not even notice, because they'll be redirected to the right site after the dirty deed is done dirt cheap.
Having worked in TV news, I’ve long thought the way arrested politicians or whoever that are trying to avoid being filmed leaving a courthouse by holding a folder or coat in front of their face should instead just hold both middle fingers up right in front of their face. The image won’t be used, and if it is, it will make it very clear how they feel about the citizens.
So I thought I pulled a great prank once. I made a QR code that directed to lemonparty. I used an online sticker service's free trial to print a bunch up with my friend's Instagram at the bottom. I travel all over for work so I was going to put them everywhere.
My problem was I printed them in yellow and they wouldn't scan. I told my friend and he thought it was a funny idea just like I knew he would, not a malicious prank. Wish it had worked.
A friend sent me this. Doesn't work on most phones now, just older androids I think. It's meant to teach you not to scan unknown QR codes by causing androids to restart on scanning.