This, Greenland... What is Trump's obsession with trying to get more territory? Is he trying to start a war with someone? Does he think if the country is at war he can postpone the next election?
Or is he just copying daddy Putin? Insisting Ukraine Canada wants to be part of Russia the US and that makes it okay to go "Liberate" Canada...
Putin's his master and handler. If the United States throws the high ground away and starts gobbling up neighbouring nations, it becomes that much easier to say "the West does it too".
Even if he's trolling, when you're THE world military and economic superpower and you're making such statements about a country's sovereignty, you have to take this shit seriously. In addition, he's clearly making fun of Canada for not being a military and economic superpower like them. And that's a clear display of his psychopathic personality. Not sociopathic, but psychopathic. He seeks control over others. He thrives for it. He loves to make people run around and sit and beg. And when he can't get what he wants, he lashes out at you.