Well yeah you can't imprison someone that's already in a "re-education camp"
Under no circumstanced whatsoever China imprisons as much people as the US, this without taking into account that the 13th Amendment basically legalises slavery as a punishment to crime, which is where the US gets a lot of free labour. A shining beacon of democracy.
Um, okay. That doesn't really address my comment though.
I'm not going to sit here and pretend the US doesn't have an absurdly high per Capita incarceration rate or that there aren't better examples of democratic governments in the world.
I was just pointing out that it makes sense how low the "official" statistics are when they don't include, for example, any of the Uighurs in reeducation camps.
Who needs to imprison people when you have the social credit score system to keep them in check.
Yep, FICO for the win.