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gf wants total silence

It's a sunny day, we're outside, good mood, drinking a coffee. I try to strike a conversation, my gf says its too early for philosophical discussions. I tell her we can instead talk about whatever she feels like. She says she doesn't want to talk about anything. We weirdly sit in silence for a while. I tell her it's weird to me, we argue. Is this normal?

  • It’s perfectly normal to want to sit in silence with someone sometimes, especially if you’re spending lots of time together. It’s only weird if it’s happening very often.

  • For me personally, downtime tends to be a moment where I seek no conversation with anyone. Just me, whatever my train of thoughts happen to be derailing into, and sometimes some music and/or some mindless activity like scrolling social media, as I was doing until this thread caught my attention.

    Assuming this isn't a recent development or happening so often actual interaction is grinding to a halt, this is probably nothing to be worried about.

  • These are the small moments that define a relationship. Your gf wants to have a quiet morning browsing her phone and you want to have a conversation. It is up to you if that is ok or not - your relationship should make you happy. You can decide that you are happy to give her a quiet morning, or you can decide that it makes you feel too weird and find a new relationship with someone that you are more compatible with. Every relationship involves compromise but only you can decide what compromise is right for you.