The great UNESCO conspiracy
The great UNESCO conspiracy
Oh you think they preserve things that people would otherwise destroy and have already partially destroyed, do you? LITTLE DO YOU KNOW!
The great UNESCO conspiracy
Oh you think they preserve things that people would otherwise destroy and have already partially destroyed, do you? LITTLE DO YOU KNOW!
Fucking hell, I really hope they have someone in their life that can get them to a psychiatrist because this is some of the most painfully textbook early-mid stage schizophrenia I've ever seen.
Seriously, they're even talking about how their pareidolia has gotten worse. I try not to armchair diagnose people but fuck, this is like a question from a psych final asking you to chart your DD, but it's easy and everything you write down is bad. This poor person.
This appears to be someone who is literally insane, in the sense that he has a mental illness (schizophrenia?) rather than just being misinformed and stubborn.
Yeah, I have a lot of experience helping people with early stage schizophrenia (lucky me!) and this was hard to read. They're at that point where they're still self aware, but they're losing the ability to self-analyze their behavior and filter delusion from conclusion. Just gutwrenching.
Finally some content that's not just SovCits
And good content, too - you couldn't write this shit with Larry David, Bob Odenkirk and David Cross in the room.
I post here a fair amount, mostly people from an "archaeology wall of shame" group on Facebook.
I honestly prefer the sovcit stuff. But yes, this is good.
This guy would love Bionicle lore.
So.. let me get this straight: if I see a bulldozer in a hole, that is not the time for a “That’s what she said” joke, but an actual de-polymerized contraption of alien technology? (hashtag open minded)
Math 369
Wait till he finds out that stents were developed using soil from Easter Island. #radiolab
Thanks, but I think I'll take the opinion of guy who went there and spoke to a bunch of people