I have cared for a horse that would steal your Cherry Pepsi, drink it all down, then consume a fruit pie, tin and all, with a smile on her face.
She, on more than one occasion, managed to steal hamburgers from people. Ate with gusto.
The old farm vet we had used to say horses were second to only pigs and goats, in that he had never seen a horse eat an entire Christmas ham, only half of one.
She'd do more than steal it. She'd silently stalk you for it. I still don't understand how an animal that large can move in absolute silence, but if a horse does not want to be heard, you aren't hearing them.
That's how she got the pie the first time. My grandfather foolishly put his Pepsi up on the gatepost, and she stole that while he fixed the gate. She got the pie when he turned around to yell for my grandmother to come over, and he didn't feel her take it out of his pocket. Just turned around, and she was chewing.
There is never a quiet moment with horses. They're naturally curious, can be extremely playful, and aren't known for their subtle personalities.
You know a horse loves you, because you're going to have that full head shoved against your torso. You're going to get your head shoved into a nostril. You might get flipped into the water trough, and laughed at.
Horses only eat grass because it's convenient, they regularly eat baby chicks, injured birds, lizards and eggs they find lying around.
(The video of the horse casually hoovering up a line of chicks as the mama hen walked them across the paddock haunts me still...)