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If time travel were to exist, which theory would you subscribe to?

Some ideas are:

  • You branch off into another timeline and your actions make no difference to the previous timeline
  • You’ve already taken said actions but just didn’t know about it so nothing changes
  • Actions taken can have an effect (so you could suddenly erase yourself if you killed your parents)
  • Only “nexus” or fixed events really matter, the timeline will sort itself out for minor changes
  • something else entirely
  • From a quantum perspective the Deutschian and similar models are honestly pretty compelling. They essentially require matching up the past and present in a consistent way that can remove paradoxes.

    These make the most sense because it's entirely possible to write down spacetimes that contain "closed time like curves" (CTCs) ie. paths connecting past and present and you can then just let physics play out on these models (or more commonly using black box quantum circuits). The only consistent way to do it is to make sure the past and future side of such curves agree. It's not my area at all, just something colleagues of mine did, but from memory there are nice approaches using the path integral formalism that work really nicely in these scenarios.

    All that's to say that I don't think time travel leads to anything changing, the past will have always agreed with whatever time travel happens in the future.

    Having worked very briefly with the spacetimes that produce CTCs, I don't expect we'll be able to time travel because they usually violate the weak energy condition.

  • The first one makes the most sense to me, which is why I think time travel should be used to make significant changes. Go big or go home

  • Are you asking which system I think is the most plausible, or which is the most desirable?


    Well, I'd guess that time travel probably isn't possible, and if it is, it's probably under extremely limited conditions that render it impractical for viable exploitation. But if you're operating under the assumption that it is, I'd say the "your actions do not affect this timeline" or similar type.


    We have had no record of time travel or seen phenomena likely resulting from it. If at time T, time travel is discovered, it seems unlikely that someone after that time wouldn't have come back in time and done something that we'd have noticed.

    And it's not just us. If self-timeline-affecting time travel is possible, then you consider all the possible civilizations out there in the universe who might discover it at some point in time and want to take advantage of it. Yet we've seen nothing from them. It's the Fermi Paradox on steroids. The Fermi Paradox asks why intelligent aliens, half of whom statistically probably evolved before us and should have colonized the universe if they're out there, aren't visible to us. The time to travel over even huge distances, though it is large, is small compared to the time required to evolve a spacefaring civilization. But in the presence of self-timeline-affecting time travel, then even the evolutionary time becomes a non-factor, since civilizations from the future could also show up, and roll back in time with their advanced technology and make use of it from then. The question is no longer just "where is everyone", but the even harder to explain "where is everyone from all time?"

    Okay, that's the plausibility question. How about the desirability one, which system I'd like to exist?

    Hmm. I guess I'd give the same answer, the "no affecting your own timeline" form. I think that if you could affect your own timeline, that probably some kind of incident in the future -- only takes one -- would be likely to have mucked up things sufficiently to wipe out civilization, and we probably wouldn't be around to even be pondering the matter.

  • Something else entirely, I don't think we're capable of understanding time (yet?)

  • Infinite branches.

    It feels more intuitive, and doesn’t involve any strange problems. It implies that the multiverse has infinite possibilities, they are all realized somewhere, and a time machine allows you to jump between them.

    • Multiverse theory doesn't really allow jumping like that though, each term in the wave function is independent and that's kinda the point.

      At best a time machine can just allow for further splitting of those terms, but that doesn't actually mean anything special because we can do that without time travel by just measuring particle spins.

      • Sounds like a very different kind of multiverse than what I was thinking of. If that word is already taken, I should probably call this thing with a different name.

  • Traveling to the past: You can't go into the past because doing so would change who you are and thus your reason for traveling in the first place. For example, killing Hitler when he was a baby would completely change the world as we know it, thus change you as you are. You might not have been born, or if you were, you wouldn't know who Hitler was, so there was no reason to go into the past, thus your time travel never happened in the first place. It's a paradox via butterfly effect. To underscore this further, you couldn't even change the history of another planet's species simply because it's still a part of your timeline. Same universe.

    The only scenario where it might work is going into the past as an impartial observer and not having any impact at all (some kind of magical bubble where you are invisible and no effect on the past). That would be fun, because you get to learn about history firsthand.

    An interesting time travel alternative is Trunks' timeline from Dragonball Z, where he went to the past, saved their future, but the androids in his timeline still persisted. This leads me to believe it was not just another time but another dimension (a la Rick and Morty).

    Traveling to the future is a bit easier. Technically, with the proper spacecraft, you can go into the future (go sit around Sag A* for a bit), but it would be a future where you weren't around to have an influence in it. It would be like temporarily kidnapping yourself. This might be similar to how people came back five years later after being snapped by Thanos in the MCU.

    IMO, the best use of time travel would be to go to the future tomorrow to scan ahead and see what happens (as long as you wouldn't have been needed in that future), then going back to the present time just seconds after you left. So little would have changed that your timeline would remain intact (only your biological clock would be off). So, you might be able to prevent incidents in the world by constantly jumping ahead to see what was going to happen. A future-scanning time traveler might have been able to prevent the recent New Orleans tragedy from happening. They could also be lazy and just learn the winning lottery numbers.

  • My belief is if you went to the past your actions would fully effect the future, no branches or anything else of course this will create paradoxes but if your a time traveller you will still exist even if you prevent your birth, if then you go back to the future there will be no record of your existence.

    Hope that makes sense.

  • I think time travel as a being who perceives one dimensional time linearly is not possible. And for any entity who doesn't perceive time linearly it would be no different from traveling in a spacial dimension. It's just travel. Anything that entity does in that point is a permanent fixture to the entities that perceive it linearly.

    So yes, if someone could travel in time in the SciFi sense, they wouldn't be able to change anything in their past experience (direct experience or prior to their perception, but in their event line) because that's already part of that point in spacetime to anyone who experiences it linearly.

    But also, it's likely that time is not one-dimensional just like we know space is not only three-dimensional. So it is possible that you could end up in a separate "branch" of time that your past self from your perspective will never experience (directly or as past events), because it's not the same point in spacetime as the event in your direct past timeline. But it's not like there is a specific set of "branches". They likely don't branch off from a single trunk into the other dimension(s) or if they did "branch", it was at the same time as all other "branches", the beginning of the universe, not as specific events occur like in SciFi. And the changes you make in those branches were always part of those branches to people who will perceive the future of that timeline.

  • From a narrative sense the "nexus" theory is certainly the most amusing, which is probably why Terry Pratchett posited it works exactly that way on numerous occasions. It turns out that history really is kings and battles and speeches and dates, and in order for history to have actually happened someone has to observe those critical events. The things in between really don't matter. History as a whole further finds a way of happening whether people are involved in it or not, and regardless of -- or possibly despite -- anyone attempting to hinder, help, or change it. The key events will always happen eventually. All anyone can do is slightly influence how long it takes for them to do so, which is why there are so many boring spans in history where it seemed like nothing really happened; That's because it didn't. Possibly until some history monk noticed, and came along to pull out whatever spanner was holding up the works.

  • Stories involving 2 are often the most fun, as well as 4 if they aren't lazy with the timeline corrections

    1 feels the simplest and I would prefer it. With 3, unless the technology is limited to a few people, it's going to get messy

  • I think technically idea 2 and 3 have the same end result. I can't see 3 working without 2 already being true.

  • I like the idea that the timeline you exist in is that and can still be determined but everything that happened in the pasr is set in stone. Future time travel is not possible.

  • I'm definitely subscribing to the 3rd one, even if the 2nd one makes more sense to me...