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79% of Americans feel burned out as they put most vacation time toward errands, doctor visits, and family care

  • 79% of Americans feel burned out as they put most vacation time toward errands, doctor visits, and family care

    Which is super convenient and totally works out, since we wouldn't have money to go on vacation anyway

  • Any one with insight on how this compares with recent or even not too recent times?

    My immediate thoughts on this are that business may have become simply more active and noisier. That is, there’s always something to tend to, whether it be an immediate demand or working towards something in the future. Basically business practice growing and accelerating without accounting for what limitations people may have. I’d also wager it’s also noisier, as in full of meaningless stuff. Communications that mostly fluff, planning that isn’t actually thought through but closer to empty ambitions, requests for help or explanation due to not trying hard enough to work out them selves.

    But then they get into a positive feedback loop. Too distracted to do anything well? Then just forward the cruft and minimally viable product down the line, or, produce an easy to make communication or plan that looks like productivity but really isn’t.

    In the end, we run into Kessler syndrome, but for time and concentration rather than space. Everyone is burnt out and so passes along some distraction to the next person and so on until no one can get anything meaningful done as that would require uninterrupted time and concentration. What’s more, people adapt to their environment. If you expect to be interrupted, then you’ll never bother to work in a way conducive to longer periods of work. Instead, to seem productive, you’ll come up with our look for small and easy pieces.

    Which gets to productivity culture. How mindful are we all of having to constantly prove our worth and productivity? If so, and given the above, how much are them inclined to do something that signals productivity rather than something that actually is productive? And much distraction is that likely to cause for others, both short term and long term? How much is that then going to encourage others to signal? Seems like Kessler syndrome again to me.

    I’d wonder if in the recent past there was more of a sense that you had your job and that was that. It was fine. Don’t fuck it up and everything will be fine. Nothing urgent to do right now, go to the doctor it will be fine.

  • Extremely unheard of advice: Quit. You can give two weeks notice, that is best for re entering the workforce later. But the most important thing about everything is YOU. Here's where it gets tough. Close out your retirement. This takes a month from last day of employment so you need to make sure you can survive the month and 7-14 days(usually 7days) before you get your retirement funds. Pay off all debt that you can that will still leave you with enough money for 1yr, biggest considerations should be car and credit cards, maybe even rebalancing credit cards to a lower interest so if you have a large amount you can reduce your over head without paying them off, this helps your credit. if you follow the next steps and have a set rent/mortgage then you can get monthly costs to a few hundred above rent. With meal costs for around $1-$2 per person. Rent increases are the killer, rent a basement, rent a room in a home, but do it from a private home owner not someone like black rock because the small time home owners are afraid of losing you and are unlikely to increase rent unless there is a cost increase to them like property tax increase. Plus you are likely to get access to a yard and can have dogs. Plus plus if you can find the right place you might get a whole basement for $1200 or less. This is where it gets easier: Stop eating out, cook or have prepared meals for everything you eat - only buy sale food and buy as many as the sale allows - buy a large freezer and start freezing all of the excess food from the sales. Buy as little items as possible that aren't on sale. Anytime an item goes on sale that you like, or use a lot, buy as much as you can, most sale items are limited to 5, but when they aren't - buy 20. Cancel as many reoccurring services as possible- for instance I canceled all streaming services and setup a jellyfin server with my considerable DVD/bluray/4k uhd collection of shows and movies and now I hunt cheap movies in thrift stores instead of paying for streaming services and literally save over $100 from when I was working at my slave class job. Pay for car insurance for 6months at a time, they offer a decent discount for this. Stay ahead of maintenance on your car, if your car is expensive to maintain, and you are unable to do it yourself - sell it and get a reliable, boring 4 door Toyota, or Honda sedan that gets great mileage and will last until the doors rust off, and has very low insurance premiums, this is easier if your current car is worth more than you owe, sell your current car an invest in an old honda accord, or Toyota corolla, it does not have to be new, you only need a car less than 10yrs old if you are taking out a loan, If you can buy a 95 honda accord and pay it off, it's going to last you longer than that new Tesla, Ford, Chevy, or Volkswagen, and it's going to do it for a fraction of the cost of those vehicles most cost efficient platform, just learn about the repairs it might need, and stay ahead of them, you can do this easily by taking the car to a manufacturer dealership and asking for a checkup. With the entire funds from your retirement you can likely reduce your cost of living, improve your quality of life, and if you want, go back to college under education grants to get a new career where maybe they won't take you for granted like this one does. Or maybe you can finally make that invention you've dreamt about, or start fix and flipping houses, or start a doggie daycare, or whatever your hearts desire so long as it's a service people will pay for. Do the math. I did. With $35k I got from retirement I've survived comfortably for almost a year, and have 2 inventions I completed, that I'm working on patents for so I can sell them. They think it's impossible, but it's just impossible for the 1%.