Affordable Doctors in the USA
Affordable Doctors in the USA
Affordable Doctors in the USA
I feel like calling your soda "Real Dr" is kind of pushing it.
My favorite creative store branded Dr Pepper is Kroger's The Fizzicist.
DR. Skipper looks like it was designed by me in 4th grade. That looks like the kerning on every poster project I ever made.
I love it. Word Art-core...
It looks like they didn't think about the size of the can before they started printing the word, and started to run out of space lol
cancer in all flavors
I like how there's no Dr. Pepper in the bunch, that doctor almost costs as much as the real deal.
I prefer to self medicate with coke.
Thank god they included Dr Perky
that's the new boobs doc.
Perky Pat.
Get you some of that Chew-Z first...
I see you got a German celebrity there
And they're all just about as pallatable