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Okay bozo, I'm going to give you until the count of 10 to name some of your favorite arcade hits I can emulate on mame and play with a keyboard. 1,2,3...

Title. Been trying out some capcom cps 1 games and so far the clackity keys of this logitech work well so I'm looking for other titles that folks enjoy.

  • I was always into those side scroller, beat em ups. Final Fight, Combatribes, Aliens, DJ Boy, Turtles in Time, Golden Axe, Battletoads, Bad Dudes, Ninja Gaiden. there's so many and I dumped so many quarters as a kid that I took special delight in beating the shit out of them in MAME with infinite credits.

    that's all I remember for now, but if I think of any more I'll name drop them.

  • Espgaluda, or really any Cave game imo but I especially like this one and MAME is the best way to play it. The slowdown in the CV1000 games isn't very accurate*, but everything else should emulate great. Battle Garegga is another good game if you are a sicko.

    *You can lower the CPU speed in the settings for those games and it makes it feel good enough, but it's still not really accurate and there's not just a default Good setting for it either. Usually around 50% is close enough iirc.