A reminder that LateStageCapitalism on .world is run by red fash
A reminder that LateStageCapitalism on .world is run by red fash
A reminder that LateStageCapitalism on .world is run by red fash
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I'm not sure what you expected from a community called "late stage capitalism"
Also I find the mustache very funny
Probably expecting discussions regarding late stage capitalism such as examples and possible countermeasures.
Instead it's whatever that is. Clickbait.
Gasp! you mean non tankies can be against capitalism too!? /s
It's a shit post echo chamber for fragile tankies. To hide behind "theory" while ignoring "evidence". As they circle jerk each other.
I like it because it keeps me up to date on the latest developments of the cyberpunk hellscape we're turning into. Tankieness doesn't seem to come into it that much from what I've seen, just anti-capitalism.
Or maybe I just don't pay attention to it, but this post is in negatives so despite your weird framing it certainly doesn't seem like the community agrees.
Or maybe I just don’t pay attention to it, but this post is in negatives so despite your weird framing it certainly doesn’t seem like the community agrees.
Don't worry, dissenters in the comments were promptly banned by the OP, who runs the comm.
That's great and all but Eldritch accused it of being a tankie echo chamber when they're getting mass downvoted
They can't currently block down votes of random people who don't comment. Up votes and down votes don't ultimately make an echo chamber. The actions of the moderation do. And they are deleting all dissent of a very specific type. In order to craft their Echo chamber. It's literally worse than the conservative community on .world.
We've butted heads regularly. And I know you identify a bit with them. Which is why you feel this misguided need to defend them. But respectfully how is that not an echo chamber?
Whatever OP wants the community to be, it is clear that it is not. He shared a clownish opinion and it got rightly blasted instead of everyone circle jerking about how smart believing the nonsense made them.
Obviously such behavior only happens in "tankie" communities. You'd never get someone claiming, for example, that all the dissent being voiced is proof that it's an isolated community with no dissenting voices.
You're arguing effectiveness. Being an ineffective Echo chamber still makes you an echo chamber. And the facts are that they are deleting out specific narratives that they cannot refute but do not want. Definitionally Echo chamber. It doesn't matter if people are still making fools of them. Fools will be fools. But fools can still try to operate in Echo chamber whether or not they do it skillfully.
I'll accuse it, too. Because it is.
I literally criticized capitalism. What they had a problem with is that I criticized Leninism as well. They don't care about socialism. They only care about ML. And no critique is allowed. No matter it's validity. It's definitionally an echo chamber.
What would you call those who don't recognize the flaws of Leninism. The whole reason it never matched even the man's own ideological vision. And forcefully defend it right or wrong against any critique. Against their own potential allies. Other socialists like myself. The way the namesake tankies forcefully slaughtered and suppressed all who criticized and pushed back. Against the undemocratic party. What would a better descriptor be..
You can be anti capitalist and think Stalin and co are massive cunts.
(Anarchism, and most types of marxists that aren’t okay with genocide)
Are there any leaders that would be positively revered by today's standards? I kinda like Washington, Lincoln, JFK and T. Roosevelt. Churchill, Obama, Ghandi and Carter. Alexander the great?
They've all got their own problems but maybe not irredeemable shitheels
I mean I’m an Anarchist so I tend to not like the concept of “leaders”.
But I respect a couple Green Party british MPs and Marine Tondelier. Also have a generally good view of Sanders and gang, although not without disagreements.
I’m more skeptical of revering past figures though because history is often written by those in power, so they often end up polishing up a lot of these figures. I would respect FDR is he didn’t do Japanese apartheid and let the eugenics movement perform mass sterilisations of disabled people (and segregation and all the fucked up shit happening back then; not that today everything is rosey)
I'm generally lenient towards historical figures who were born under a time of different moral standards, but Churchill was a piece of shit by the standards of his own time, and only gets a 'pass' because he was important in fighting a worse foe - the fucking Nazis.