The warning on PBS Nova is heartbreaking!
The warning on PBS Nova is heartbreaking!
The warning on PBS Nova is heartbreaking!
As someone who did 3 years of a physics degree and then ended up crashing and burning at the basic quantum stuff until I ultimately quit, I sympathize with this wholeheartedly. Like its fascinating and all, and its great that some people are able to get it, but like, if I have to deal with a Schrödinger equation again I think I might scream.
I just enjoyed how new freaky symbols being used for operators started popping up out of nowhere.
Because without them you run out of paper too fast
H|ψ> = E|ψ> 😘
That's the devils pitch fork right?
It wasn’t this part that tripped you up was it?
In the end I only saw devils marching in with pitchforks
I love learning about quantum physics from YouTube, but my impression is a lot of it ends up being "particals are just silly little guys at the quantum level" or "we have two models: one for normal big physics and one for batshit crazytown tiny physics".
Too late, I'm in a quantum superposition of alive + dead (inside)
Wake me up inside
Cant wake up
I need a supercritical temperature of 80°C
Bring meee tooo half precissssion..
I've been living a lie! I'm only 36°C inside!
Bring me toooooo ----
Evanescence in my Lemmy? Hell yeah!
Quantum physics: because the universe doesn't give a shit if you understand it.
No no no. Quantum Physics: the more you understand about the universe, the less it gives a shit if it makes any sense.
The more you understand, the less it makes sense.
Be aware! There can be spooky action at a distance! 👻😱🫨👀
I’m experiencing a great deal of uncertainty.
I wonder how many physicians are going to get calls from this...
Well none, it clearly says to call your physicist ;)
"They really ought to keep this filth off public access television."
"Due to the quantum nature of such filth, it is simultaneously shown on TV and not shown on TV."
I don't care what all the avant-garde, intellectual nambie-pambies say, IT IS FILTH!
flashbacks of what the bleep
at least it's not about quantum inertia ... right?