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Fighting game heads who use keyboards, what's your key set up?


So I finally got a mechanical keyboard last month and I always wanted to try out some fighting games on something with mechanical switches like an arcade stick. Been hearing good things about mecha keyboards being on par with sticks for precise movements and combos and what not so what the hell, why not.

  • I've never uses a keyboard for a fighting game; however, you may want to use a setup that imitates this one

    The red would be for directional inputs and the white for other commands

    Here's a more specific example of what an imitation might look like

    • Sick, looks much more ergonomic than what I had in mind using the arrow keys.

      • Yeah, the directions being layed out left, down, right, up kind of messes with my brain, but it's the setup everyone uses now, so there must be a reason

        You can probably get an explanation if you look up "how to play on a hitbox/leverless controller" because a lot of people had to learn to make the switch from stick