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  • Principal was fired by the board, and then immediately sued the school for wrongful dismissal. It was a landmark case and ended up on national news. The principal won and the school went broke. It was the best school in town until then: all the good teachers quit and went elsewhere taking many students with them because parents didn't want their kids in a broke school with only the crappy teachers left.

  • The one I kept hearing during HS was the serial masturbator who looked like Harry Potter.

    Basically there was one kid who would constantly start jacking off during classes. Wouldn't stop when told to stop.

    Was three grades below me so I was luckily never in the classes where it happened. So many people I know weren't as lucky and saw it.

    I got no idea why the school allowed the kid to still be on the campus.

    School turned into an early college one after I started, so those kids were dealing with enough already to then deal with constantly seeing a kid jackoff in college level classes.

  • two teachers and one student died within a week of each other... after an earthquake...

  • High school home economics teacher got fired for throwing a box grater at a student. Major anger management problems aside, she was a pretty crap teacher