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  • I'm currently not working, not even job searching, just... taking December off it all. So naturally I'm allowing myself to sleep in as much as I want. I'm finding myself falling asleep around 1:30am and sleeping through to 11am, only waking due to the crushing guilt of 'wasting the day'. I could probably go for another 2 hours or more. It's all making me realize that humanity is doing the human condition dirty - we should sleep as much as we need to sleep, not be forced to grind at some mediocre task for 8 hours after under-sleeping.

    • In my experience, the feeling of not having slept enough doesn’t vanish, no matter how long you sleep. Personal hypothesis: When you wake up, the sleeping hormones are still present in your body and make you not want to get up, whether you still need to sleep or not.

      • For me, there is a "yessss let's go!" moment that will happen eventually that let's me know I've truly slept enough, but I truly do think we're all exhausted in a way we're not evolved to properly deal with yet. Maybe 15-17 hours, while excessive, is what we all collectively need to start the repairing process. Who knows.

  • I miss feeling like this so much! for years I have back pain everytime i lay down and as time passes it gets worst so I'm never confortable in the mornings. My body is so crazy that I can do anything without pain, even exercise, I have no pain at all...except if I lay down and relax. Fuck my body

  • I'm running on a single hour of sleep. Thank God I am working from home today because I'm SUFFERING. and of course a day that's supposed to be slow is the day we get absolutely slammed with stuff. I can't handle this. Might cry on my lunch tbh