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  • Once had a really great easter party where we legally roasted a pig and illegally distilled liquor. Never in my life have I had a cleaner buzz. When I got home the next day I wrestled with myself whether I should tell my mother about it. But eventually I elected to tell her because I had such a good time.

    When I mentioned my reservations for telling her about distilling liquor she shot me an incredulous look and just said: "Dude, have you forgotten that I'm Norwegian?"

    In Norway alcohol is very expensive so basically everyone has distilled liquor at some point in their life.

    • Is this one of those "1/37th of me is Norwegian" stories from the US based on 23andme results?

      • Nah, it's a German "my mother was literally born and raised in Norway" story.

        When I moved to another city I even discovered that me and even my kids are technically Norwegian as well as German. At least according to the German authorities. I wanted to see if we could get a Norwegian passport but didn't have the time yet.