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Video of inmate’s fatal beating shows him handcuffed as correctional officers punch and kick him

Joe Biden solved racism, sweetie.

  • All the shit we hear about Soviet gulags seems like pure projection. The American prison system is one of the most inhumane institutions ever created. The Cyka Wars that created lasting trauma on Russia and was one of the darkest moments in Soviet history is a regular event everyday in American prisons. It's so bad it's become an accepted problem people joke about.

    • One of the foundation myths of solidarność in Poland is alleged deadly beating militia did to a student named Grzegorz Przemyk and it got mythologised to hell and back. Funnily enough IPN exhumed him to confirm the myth version but instead the exhumation confirmed the official version that his death was more result of his drunken bouts before arrest, which of course was just hushed and the myth continue.

      Seems that the worst tragedies of entire 44 year period of socialist Poland are just ordinary tuesday evening in the homeland of freedom and liberty.