Build Your Own Sinclair ZX81 Ad, BYTE Magazine, Volume 7, Number 9, September 1982
Build Your Own Sinclair ZX81 Ad, BYTE Magazine, Volume 7, Number 9, September 1982
Build Your Own Sinclair ZX81 Ad, BYTE Magazine, Volume 7, Number 9, September 1982
$80 in '82 is ~$260 now.
Damn. Just ran that and came to your comment.
And now look at current prices for game consoles...
oh damn, thank you for posting this! I had one of these as a kid but could never remember exactly which one it was but that jogged the memory instantly
Merry Christmas :D
Still have mine!
Me too. Luckily I had a friend who studied electrical engineering who helped me put it together.
I added pictures to the root post
Did you build it yourself? It looks awesome!
I wish I still had mine. 3D monster maze, 1k chess, nightgunner, gulpman.
My neighbor had a zx80. I remember playing a game on that too, but i don't remember what it was.
Mine, highly modded, inside a gutted Atari 400 box. Has a homemade hi-res module 256x192, Sound board AY-3-8912, homemade keyboard, modified ROM with extra functions, dual boot with assembly compiler, 10KB ROM, 6KB Static RAM, 16KB Dynamic RAM.
I love the putting it in a gutted A400.
TheTimex Sinclair (assembled) was marketed as the first home computer for under a hundred bucks ($99). A buddy of mine ran a BBS dedicated the Sinclair. He ran it on a Commador 64