European Economic Convergence
European Economic Convergence
Increase/Decrease of GDP PPS (Purchasing Power Standard) relative to the European average, 2013-2023
European Economic Convergence
Increase/Decrease of GDP PPS (Purchasing Power Standard) relative to the European average, 2013-2023
GDP PPS in 2013:
GDP PPS in 2023:
Thank you for the details, insightful post!
The best performers GDP PPS: Ireland, 211: Tax paradise for american tech giants in europe. Norway:, 173 Got oil and natural Gas wealth. Switzerland, 154: Secretive banking sector.
GDP per capita, source:
GDP-anything is a useless metric. If scientists were in charge of the world and not economists, it would have been discarded a loong time ago.
Are there some better metrics?
Why Is turkey included in the Data but not Ukraine and Moldova?