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  • wild that people have vivid memories so far back. i don't really have any proper episodic memory from before when i was 14 or 15, just vague flashes sometimes years apart. i think it's a trauma thing

  • CW: childhood trauma

    My first realization that this country was cooked came after Kosovo NATO intervention, I had been following on the radio (NPR in English mostly) and was both learning new vocabulary and getting disgusted by what I was hearing. I got sent to the principal and had my parents called into the school because we were tasked with drawing comic strips and I made a comic with a punchline that Bill Clinton was sending everyone to Yugoslavia as a distraction and to find him more interns to have sex with. Little did I know how right I was at 9 years old, but I still got in trouble for it.

  • I was sitting in my buggy on the way to the supermarket with my mom. I was definitely able to walk, I just liked being pushed around in my buggy. I think I was 3.

  • My first memory was falling in the pool. I was probably conscious for some time before then, just not making memories.

  • This question never made sense to me.

    Like, "when we were 3 or 4," "some time after learning language sufficiently," "puberty," "this summer," and "between the 11th and 14th of this month" would all be correct answers.

  • The earliest thing I can remember perceiving is a diaper change at maybe age 2 if not slightly earlier, but it's vague and passive. Similarly I recall sitting in a restaurant and watching the server. The earliest time I remember feeling agency was age 3. Either my mother's cat being angry at me, rolling down a hallway in a bouncy thing, playing under a pear tree, or a vivid lucid nightmare where I made the decision to walk down stairs using the same internal thought process I have now.

  • I'm not sure if it's the moment I became conscious, but my earliest memory is my father holding and trying to calm me after I stuck some metal utensil into a power outlet

  • My first memory is in the maternity hospital a few hours/days after birth when I pooped myself and fell off a bed. I remember a nurse washing my ass in the sink

  • Tossing myself into a fountain at the mall when I was 2 or 3. I was throwing a penny in and didn’t let go.

    I had earlier memories, but those are a different story.

  • I had to be around 3, which is as far back as my memory goes.

    I just remember being with my dad out shopping, this was around Christmas-time too we were getting some shopping done and about to go home to make Pizzelle cookies for the mailmen and garbagemen as a “thank you” gift for their services.

  • I have continuous memory and selfhood from a month or two before my third birthday, with increasingly vague flashes going back to I guess 18 months (from external verification of the event).

    It's hard to say if I had consciousness in the early memories (though I definitely had some sort of agency) but I definitely had it going into my third birthday.

  • My earliest real memory was when I got casts on my hands/arms after getting my extra digits surgically removed(born with polydactyly). My casts went up passed my elbows and I had limited movement but was able to play with a black Tonka Truck I had.

  • You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!

  • I kinda remember just waking up one morning and thinking "oh, well this definitely feels different" and I guess that's when the internal monologue started.

  • My earliest memory is watching my uncles and older cousins playing football at Thanksgiving at my aunt’s house when I was two. But my memory is very spotty and hard to place on a timeline until I started school, even then it’s crummy until about the age of 9

    I also have a lot of gaps from the years 2011-2018 or so, yay trauma