Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
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Is there a leaderboard for the community?: We have a leaderboard with the info on how to join in this post:
Thanks to Eric and the team at Advent of Code, to and for giving us somewhere to share and discuss our solutions, and to everyone here for the friendly and supportive community.
See you all next year!
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:more/more.dart';
part1(List<String> lines) {
var (w, h) = (lines.first.length, lines.indexOf(''));
var (falsey: keys, truthy: locks) = (lines..insert(0, ''))
.splitBefore((l) => l.isEmpty)
.map((g) => [
for (var x in [for (var y in + 1)) g[y][x]]
.partition((g) => g[0][0] == '#');
return keys
.map((l) => locks.count((k) => => (l[r] + k[r]).count((e) => e == '#') < 8)))
A fun and small challenge.
First read all locks, transpose their profile and count the #s (-1 for the full row).
Then do the same for the keys.
Lastly find all keys for all locks that do not sum to more than 5 with their teeth:
val lockRegex = Regex("""#{5}(\r?\n[.#]{5}){6}""")
val keyRegex = Regex("""([.#]{5}\r?\n){6}#{5}""")
fun parseLocksAndKeys(inputFile: String): Pair<List<IntArray>, List<IntArray>> {
val input = readResource(inputFile)
val locks = lockRegex
.map {
.map { line -> line.toList() }
.map { line -> line.count { c -> c == '#' } - 1 }
val keys = keyRegex
.map {
.map { line -> line.toList() }
.map { line -> line.count { c -> c == '#' } - 1 }
return locks to keys
fun part1(inputFile: String): String {
val (locks, keys) = parseLocksAndKeys(inputFile)
val matches = { lock ->
keys.filter { key ->
for (i in lock.indices) {
// Make sure the length of the key and lock do not exceed 5
if (lock[i] + key[i] > 5) {
return@filter false
return matches.toString()
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Data.Either
import Data.Text hiding (all, head, zipWith)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO as TIO
type Pins = [Int]
toKeyLock :: [Text] -> Either Pins Pins
toKeyLock v = (if T.head (head v) == '#' then Left else Right) $ fmap (pred . count "#") v
solve keys locks = sum [1 | k <- keys, l <- locks, fit k l]
fit a b = all (<= 5) $ zipWith (+) a b
main = TIO.getContents >>= print . uncurry solve . partitionEithers . fmap (toKeyLock . transpose . T.lines) . splitOn "\n\n"
ah well this year ends with a simple ~12.5 ms solve and not too much of a brain teaser. Well at least I got around to solving all of the challenges.
from os.path import dirname,realpath,join
from import Callable
def profiler(method) -> Callable[..., any]:
from time import perf_counter_ns
def wrapper_method(*args: any, **kwargs: any) -> any:
start_time = perf_counter_ns()
ret = method(*args, **kwargs)
stop_time = perf_counter_ns() - start_time
time_len = min(9, ((len(str(stop_time))-1)//3)*3)
time_conversion = {9: 'seconds', 6: 'milliseconds', 3: 'microseconds', 0: 'nanoseconds'}
print(f"Method {method.__name__} took : {stop_time / (10**time_len)} {time_conversion[time_len]}")
return ret
return wrapper_method
def solver(locks_and_keys_str: str) -> int:
locks_list = []
keys_list = []
for schematic in locks_and_keys_str.split('\n\n'):
if schematic[0] == '#':
locks_list.append(tuple([column.index('.') for column in zip(*schematic.split())]))
keys_list.append(tuple([column.index('#') for column in zip(*schematic.split())]))
count = 0
for lock_configuration in locks_list:
for key_configuration in keys_list:
for i,l in enumerate(lock_configuration):
if l>key_configuration[i]:
# break on the first configuration that is invalid
# skipped when loop is broken
count += 1
return count
if __name__ == "__main__":
BASE_DIR = dirname(realpath(__file__))
with open(join(BASE_DIR, r'input'), 'r') as f:
input_data ='\r', '').strip()
result = solver(input_data)
print("Day 25 final solve:", result)
Spent 10 minutes debugging my solution until I reread and found out they wanted the number of keys that fit, not the ones that overlapped. Reading comprehension is not it tonight.
const [locks, keys] = require('fs').readFileSync(0, 'utf-8').split(/\r?\n\r?\n/g).filter(v => v.length > 0).map(s => s.split(/\r?\n/g).filter(v => v.length > 0)).reduce((acc, s) => {
const lock = s[0].split('').every(v => v === '#');
const schema = s.slice(1, -1);
let rotated = [];
for (let i = 0; i < schema[0].length; i += 1) {
for (let j = 0; j < schema.length; j += 1) {
if (!rotated[i]) rotated[i] = [];
if (!lock) {
rotated = => v.reverse());
const pinHeights = [];
for (const row of rotated) {
const height = row.indexOf('.');
pinHeights.push(height !== -1 ? height : 5);
if (lock) {
} else {
return acc;
}, [[],[]]);
let fits = 0;
for (const lock of locks) {
for (const key of keys) {
let overlapped = false;
for (let i = 0; i < lock.length; i += 1) {
if ((lock[i] + key[i]) > 5) {
overlapped = true;
if (!overlapped) {
fits += 1;
console.log('Part One', fits);