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Woman dies after being set on fire on NYC subway; Person of interest taken into custody, police say

I've been trying to find out more about this because the story doesn't make any sense:

"he approached the sleeping woman, and then lit her on fire with what was believed to be a lighter. She added the victim's clothes became fully engulfed in a matter of seconds."

Clothing shouldn't just be flammable like that without some kind of accelerant.

  • I seem to remember a string of copycat attacks where lighter fluid or gas was sprayed inside a kiosk that contained a cashier or person taking tickets. Think there were several deaths.

    Expect that an accelerant like gas or lighter fluid was used in this case. Doesn't take much.

    Monstrous thing to do.

    • Questioning the physics of the story as reported, not the victim. Clearly they're absolutely blameless.

      Feels like something is missing, either in the reporting or from the cops.