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  • Quake 4, bog standard 7th gen corridor shooter and the half way point makes the game slightly more tolerable, just enough to be considered 'good'. On the bright side the lighting is great in darker areas, something that iD Tech 4 games excel at. I don't know why most modern games dark areas look like you're walking downtown at 9pm, when it should be much darker depending on the game.

  • My patient game would be Slay the spire, I still play it on either switch or Android several times a week.

    However, this year I did something unusual for myself and not patient: I bought Zelda: tears of the kingdom (I did wait about a month after release). Ive already put probably 300 hours into it, and still have quite a bit more I can do, so the $/hour of entertainment value there I don't think ive matched.

  • Other than Metroid Dread, I also enjoyed Hardspace: Shipbreaker recently. There's certainly joy to be had in doing a (sometimes) simple job well, and it keeps you on your toes just enough. Major bonus points for a story and characters that struck a lot of the same dystopian chords that Papers, Please did. Just, ya know, in space. I will absolutely play another game in this universe if one comes out.