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  • You know, I fucking hate Trump but I prefer to save my outrage about things he actually said and did. If you really wanna dunk on him, this ain't the time. Look at the actual quote:

    "The United States and Italy are bound together by a shared cultural and political heritage dating back thousands of years to Ancient Rome."

    I mean, I can't really disagree with that. I'm fucking SICK of journalists converting everything into clickbait. You want some things to be angry about? Here's some ACTUAL shit he did the same week:

    • October 16, 2019: During a meeting with congressional leaders about the situation in Syria, President Trump reportedly referred to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a "third-grade politician," leading to Pelosi and other Democratic leaders walking out of the meeting.
    • October 17, 2019: At a campaign rally in Dallas, Texas, President Trump criticized the ongoing impeachment inquiry, labeling it a "witch hunt" and attacking political opponents, which some viewed as inflammatory rhetoric.
    • October 18, 2019: President Trump announced a "permanent" ceasefire in Syria and lifted sanctions on Turkey. Critics argued that his decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria had enabled Turkish military actions against Kurdish forces, leading to regional instability.

    If you want to be annoyed about Trump, there's plenty of actual shit he does. No need to make up shit just to get clicks. Fuck you lazy journalists!

    • “The United States and Italy are bound together by a shared cultural and political heritage dating back thousands of years to Ancient Rome.”

      Yeah that's not actually incorrect too badly. Well perhaps the "bound together" bit but like history for the massive systems, yeah, it is somewhat shared. Common law and whatnot. Although Italy definitely doesn'tuse common law anymore so Trump would be better of comparing US to brits in that sense.

      I wholeheartedly agree with you. Why promote inaccurate bullshit and ignore the actual shit he does?

      Oh wait, right, propaganda and shit "journalists".

      Thanks for the info on those happenings, btw.

    • I mean, I can’t really disagree with that.

      You can't? Just bookending two countries based on an elementary school student's understanding of world history doesn't bother you even a little bit? Nevermind the implicit neo-fascist context of the observation. It's straight out of the Mussolini speech catalog to invoke Ancient Rome and Modern Italy in the same sentence, despite the only meaningful relationship between them being geographic. Might as well compare modern Macedonia to the Persian Empire or the Yucatan Peninsula to the old kingdom of the Mayans or to call Germany a nation of Huns.

      Even setting aside the fascist undertones, It's pure shameless empty-headed pandering. Shit I'd expect out of Eric Adams or George Bush Jr, just being spouted as route pablum regardless of context or historical accuracy. Holding Trump up as uniquely annoying and stupid on this front is what's obnoxious. Lots of politicians just say airhead nothingburgers like this regularly.

      If you want to be annoyed about Trump, there’s plenty of actual shit he does.

      You're allowed to be annoyed from time to time by the neo-fascist ramblings of a racist dipshit, as a treat.

  • Where did Pechenegs and Cumans go? Oh, right, that was another Putin.