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Shock poll: 41 percent of young voters find killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO acceptable

United States | News & Politics

Shock poll: 41 percent of young voters find killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO acceptable

52 9
United States | News & Politics

41 percent of young voters find killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO acceptable

72 21
  • Yeah that is shocking. My guess is lots of people declined to say for obvious reasons. The number has to be closer to 80%

    • Neutrals are 19%, so even if we assume half of those are actually ok but didn't say so, that's still only 50,5% acceptance

  • I doubt I’m "young" but I find it acceptable. I’m only shocked it doesn’t happen more. These people making insane amounts of money off the suffering of the working class have been getting away with too much for too long.

    • They make money by murdering people. Someone has to hold them to account since our justice system, which is bought and paid for by these same scumbags, surely won't.

  • Some of us are perfectly capable of having many conflicting opinions on the subject.

    Don't know how anyone could really boil this whole thing down to a nice boolean opinion.