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Corporate Social Media is Junk Food

SocialMedia is part of your daily diet - so why not make it healthy?

Corporate platforms feed you ads, algorithms, and infinite scroll designed to keep you hooked on junk food. The #Fediverse is different:

✅ No ads, no algorithms ✅ Real communities run by real people ✅ Diverse cultures and positive content

Stop feeding on junk. Switch to something organic!


  • I definitely don't think, that federation is a cure for unhealthy social media. You can waste time here too.

  • TBH, I think this is a little counterproductive. It makes corporate social media seem like a delicious treat. Exhorting people to do the right thing like "eat your veggies" probably isn't the best way to convince them. Something like this seems like a better comparison. Something bad for you and gross, but uses flashy marketing to convince you otherwise:

  • i mean... a lot of the content on the fediverse is literally just lifted straight from the other "junk food" social media websites that were just named.

    its just a federated experience. not a "healthy" one. I'm all for moving more people over to the fediverse but let's maybe take it down a couple notches with the weird propaganda-esque ads?