Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking?
Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking?
Anyway, please stay safe and don't be afraid to defend yourself.
Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking?
Anyway, please stay safe and don't be afraid to defend yourself.
Anyone who thinks they stand a chance against drones with a gun hasn't been paying attention to what's happening in Ukraine.
Gonna pew pew a CEO in the back? Sure, guns work for that.
Trying to save your own life against a fast and agile target that needs way less precision than you to be effective and probably never even presents a target? Nah mate, you're fucked.
There are some, handheld firearms that are used as a last-ditch / cheap anti drone solution in Ukraine, by both sides.
Drum roll.....
Its shotguns.
Because they have a spread of multiple shot pellets instead of a single bullet.
Fucking obviously duh, they've been used to hunt small, evasive birds routinely, everywhere, for like 150+ years.
Hunting a nimble flying object with a sniper rifle is a laughably absurd idea.
This actual post from this woman is so stupid I would have thought it was from a 12 year old whose only experience with guns is from CoD... but nope, its a 50ish(?) year old woman.
Guess she's never hunted birds, and thinks its just the same as hunting deer or hogs or something???
Ive heard and seen some images and videos of soliders building their own antidrone ammo. They rip the tip off the casing and heat shrink a coulple of bbs together and crimp them to the casing. I'm not certain how legitimate or effective it is but I've seen several videos and images of it. They recomend staggering the homemade rounds with tracer rounds to help with aiming.
Not gonna lie, if she can take a drone out with that I'd be pretty impressed.
Also, people seem to be forgetting that shotguns don't only shoot shot or slugs:
Old people can be stupid too :-)
Its shotguns.
Using a gun with a 25' effective range against a device hovering 50' off the ground sounds not terribly effective, though.
Hunting a nimble flying object with a sniper rifle is a laughably absurd idea.
I mean, the whole idea that Iran has a 7th gen drone army it can project to the other side of the planet is laughably absurd. And yet here we are.
Now here's a thought... What about using drones to "take care of" a CEO? The risk of being caught would be lower, as you can be located hundreds of meters away or more. It's also relatively easy to acquire a drone, and you can make explosives with stuff you can buy at the hardware store.
(Disclaimer: This is just a thought experiment, I'm not dumb enough to try this, don't worry FBI :3)
It's sooooo fucking easy to find someone who is using a drone if you're serious about it. It just takes law enforcement being serious about it. Also, there's a good chance that since you have to register it with the FAA that any crime committed with it would be considered a Federal crime.
Drones are like Obi-Wan, they always have the high ground.
just do a 360 noscope you noob
They hear the word drone and think of those little remote control camera drones you can buy at Walmart/Target and not, like, a Predator.
We never see successful drone interceptions but that doesn't mean they don't happen. Not the kind of odds I'd like to take, though.
Oh my god your so edgy!
Scoped gun for a drone OK yeah, you clearly know what you're doing.
And that bipod, expert gun believer right there.
$100 says she barely takes that thing past 100 yards...good luck hitting a drone 400+ yards from you moving at 60mph.
I don’t know anything about shooting or why a scoped gun is a bad thing…I know she won’t shoot down a single drone with that thing though.
I'm not a gun person, but it seems to me like anyone who claims they can shoot down a drone with a rifle is also revealing themselves to not be a gun person.
I just watched a YouTube video of ukraine drone operators and they had a guy in the middle of a field shoot down 3 fpv drones. They got him eventually but it is possible...
The dope has her DOPE taped to the sunshade on her optic, so at least numbers were crunched and she wouldn't be shooting completely blind.
Why is that? People have hit more challenging targets. If the drone is stationary then it’s a no brainer easy target.
GovCo owns the drones. The simple fact that they haven't shot them down means they own them.
This is a distraction. It's to distract people because for some reason there was a sudden unexpected explosion of class consciousness.
Stop talking about the fucking govt drones. Keep scaring billionaires.
The one I saw a picture of was a manned helicopter. (Flying in a legal area too .. which is why they aren't being shot down near a military base, because if they were a threat, in air they weren't allowed to fly in... They would be intercepted or shot down)
It started a full week before the shooting though.
Please, do NOT shoot at airborn targets, or any target where your are not certain a missed shot will safely land in an empty area.
Also shooting down a drone counts as shooting down an actual airplane, which is like, a super felony. So probably just don't.
Also, the drone falling could hit someone or something. So seriously, don't.
Just fly your own drone and ram into their drone. Then you pull an uno reverse and claim they hit you first. FAA aint touching this, and cops are too lazy to do anything and will say its "Civil Matter"
Yep, that's why birdshot is basically the only safe ammo that can be shot into the air unless you're in the middle of the ocean or something.
Knowing the golden rules? No, that sounds like communism or something.
Did not a bunch of People shot at a Tornado, at one point?
All she has in her house are succulents? That makes sense. They're literally the only things someone like her could possibly hope to keep alive. They need almost zero attention, maintenance, or moisture.
Just like her brain.
She also has a cactus. But the same conditions still apply.
More on this splendid human being:
In now deleted tweets from 2015, it’s clear Rep. Maddox has always held racist beliefs. In an October 2015 tweet, Maddox responded to someone calling President Barack Obama a “coon” by saying that “Obama is not black. He is of African ancestry, not sharing the Black American heritage or experience.”
In a March 2015 tweet, Maddox said that “childhood sexual assault and neglect” was the reason for homosexuality and that she blamed the parents and LGBTQ people for their sexual preferences.
In a January 2015 tweet she claimed Islam is a “faith about destruction” and that there are no Islamic “hospitals, orphanages or universities.”
She's a genuine shit-person. 100% real human excrement propped up with modern technology to walk and talk sorta like a real human being!
In a January 2015 tweet she claimed Islam is a “faith about destruction” and that there are no Islamic “hospitals, orphanages or universities.”
do not tell her where the term algebra originated from
Don't bother telling her that Islam considers learning to be a religious duty
I was about to ask who even is that? But now I’d rather forget.
TIL African people aren't black, apparently?
She forgot the One Drop rule of racism.
shes more likely to die at the end of that gun than a drone. but only if you go by reality, statistics, etc.
Goodness me, what hate does to people. She was born in 1987 but looks like she could well be in her 50's.
She's younger than me?!? Jesus Christ.
The filter to over-smooth everything and the ridiculously aging roller set hairstyle are making her look like a well maintained 60 year old.
Put the same person in different clothes and a more relaxed hairstyle and she would look completely different. I bet she was elected young and tried to look more mature.
It doesn't look like anyone cooks in that kitchen either.
It is also the fashion....
Yeah, it's her style that makes her look old
Holy shit
If it flies, it spies
Birdwatching goes both ways
Fucking moron. You'll never hit a drone with that! The ruskies have been trying that for the last couple years with virtually zero success.
New Jersey people need new glasses...
There's no way she could hit a drone with a rifle
Yeah, a shotgun is probably a better choice.
Hell yeah load up the birdshot
I swear, that picture and her profile look AI generated. That smile... WTF.
People used to actually have to try to look this fake before computers would just do it for them.
Picture might be real but the person is not. No humanity inside. Just a husk wearing a human skin, spreading hate
This bitch gonna shoot down actual manned aircraft, judging by the reports
Old and busted: UFOs
New hotness: drones
Dumbass gun owners, sending rounds into unsuspecting people since 1364
To be fair, the military bases being buzzed drones thing has been going on for months now, long preceding the assassination of Brian Thompson. Like honestly maybe six months or more, I casually peruse the conspiracy subs, because occasionally they get something half-right. (Like the first I heard of COVID was freakouts about what was happening in China) But yeah, the dozens of drones buzzing military bases has been going on since long before Brian Thompson went down.
It's more that there's an excuse to focus on it now to draw attention away from the fucked healthcare system. It troubles me a little bit that people can't piece together that the media conveniently ignores all kinds of things until they need something else to focus on.
Finally, you'd have more luck with a laptop and cyberwarfare.
The Iranian government announced that the UAV was brought down by its cyberwarfare unit which commandeered the aircraft and safely landed it, after initial reports from Western news sources disputedly claimed that it had been "shot down". The United States government initially denied the claims but later President Obama acknowledged that the downed aircraft was a US drone. Iran filed a complaint to the UN over the airspace violation. Obama asked Iran to return the drone. Iran is said to have produced drones based on the captured RQ-170 including the Shahed 171 Simorgh and Shahed Saegheh.
A bit more than a laptop involved, but that's embarrassing to say the least.
Aliens are not attacking.
The drones have hurt no one.
They are merely paying more attention now.
Perhaps if society kills more CEOs, they will finally consider us sapient and establish contact.
She couldn't dope a scope if her life depended on it
So there's a lot of things about these drones being Aliens (and a lot of things about Aliens in general).
If they really are aliens, do you think beings who travelled here through interstellar space and the technology to come to earth within (we assume) a single lifetime are going to be felled by a fucking gun?
I don't think the Aliens are hostile because if they were, we'd be dead by now.
I don't think the aliens are hostile, because they don't exist.
This is all BS anyway but a rifle is very much the wrong weapon against a drone...
It's a shame that politics have gotten us old women with sniper rifles in the most ugh way possible. Come on we could have grandma shooting ceos, but instead it's a upper middle class woman vice signaling her love of violent solutions ro problems that need thinking
What's this drone posting. Have I missed something?
Right wing getting worked up some dumbass new nonsense because they aren't serious people
Numerous unidentified objects, possibly drones, have been spotted loitering over military bases, water infrastructure, and restricted airspaces. The majority of reports are in NJ, but several accounts are coming in from Phoenix AZ, UK, Germany, and Brazil. The only firm stance the government has taken is that they are not nefarious and do not pose a threat.
Mayors, Sherifs, Governors, FBI, DHS, Coast Guard, and DOD have stated that they are not responsible for all of the objects in the sightings.
This recent wave started just before Thanksgiving I believe.
People are getting hysterical about drones, most of which have been revealed to actually be manned aircraft.
Still haven’t seen a convincing video of someone freaking out about a ‘drone’ that wasn’t just an airplane. We’re full idiocracy IMO
You mean like a Predator drone?
Go check out Larry Hogan's blurry picture of five of the brighter stars in the night sky.
These drones are absolutely 100% real extraterrestrial menaces, abet several hundred light-years away.
Are we saying Briant Thompson was an alien, and killing him started a galactic war?
I'm simply making observations, suggesting you draw your own conclusions, and putting up a stall that reads "Magic Alien Killing Bullets $500/round"
I'm sure a high powered laser pointer is cheaper than that gun
I'm sure the gun is cheaper than the optics. A bolt action .308 isn't really going to set you back much. If she wanted to really fight the drones she'd be rocking an M1A.
She'd have a $100 used shotgun. Would you hunt a bird with a rifle?
Fuck it, mount those handheld EMPs on some poles all around your property and slip one in your bag. Wait, is this NCD?
That's a Ruger American. Maybe $700, tax, tag and title?
She should watch this short
Total Drone Death!
That's drone better be pretty low on the horizon
She should have spent that money on kitchen decoration, or a hairdo.
While I've seen first hand how the powerful have attempted to manufacture consent around the CEO's assassination, their efforts are clumsy, uncoordinated, and haphazard. Like most conspiracy theories, this one fills all the gaps in plausibility and evidence with a "they" who are hyper competent with foresight bordering on omniscience.
That's kinda hot tho
refuses to elaborate
Listen, you're not entirely wrong. If you're into GILFs, you can do a lot worse.
Ok but the UAP shit is pretty crazy tbh. And almost no one talks about it. Something is going on.
Because we're all so sick of it. If there ever was going to be any proof then we would have found it via leaks, The James Randi prize money, or even heck Trump's first presidency when he said he was going to leak all those secrets.
It also doesn't make any logical sense for anything outside of our world to have enough scientific know-how to get here undetected and somehow be seen floating around by random people using just their eyeballs.
It's stupid, boring, and used as a distraction for stupid boring people.
But when people take out their phones and the object gets focused/close enough to see, it morphs into an airplane or such. Like, these aliens have such good technology to be able to morph, but they only do it whenever someone is able to document the sighting?! Crazy stuff!!!! 😱
We need something in America to distract us from looking at the consequences of our actions.
There’s far too much circumstantial evidence and credible testimony to simply conclude that it’s all “a distraction”.
We’re talking about numerous firsthand whistleblowers, many of whom have risked their careers, reputations, and even their safety to share their experiences.
Nobody’s saying we know exactly what’s going on, but writing it off as “stupid” or “illogical” because it doesn’t fit neatly into our understanding of the universe is shortsighted at best. The fact that something defies our current scientific understanding doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It means there’s more to learn. Calling it boring might say more about your own curiosity than the topic itself, and to dismiss the topic entirely is incredibly insulting to the many whistleblowers who, again, have risked a great deal to share what they know with the public.
And almost no one talks about it.
Most people don't care to entertain the confusing, fantastic claims.
'red, glowing UFO the size of a football field' hovering at low altitude over US space launch base in California - in event witnessed by over half a dozen military personnel
Crazy how nobody thought to snap a picture.
Something is going on.
People are blowing smoke up your ass is what's going on. But because they're lying to the faces of a bunch of incredulous Congressional hacks, it's supposed to be something we take seriously.