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  • There are significant barriers in place for revolution in the US. The Proletariat is still under the belief that supporting US Imperialism will benefit themselves more than Socialism. Additionally, theory is frequently coopted by Trots and other impractical forms, resulting in people endlessly seeking to critique society, not change it (your Noam Chomskys and the like). Moreover, labor organization has been millitantly crushed.

    I recommend starting with theory. I have an introductory Marxist reading list if you want a place to start.

    For elaboration on Chomsky, I recommend reading On Chomsky.

    • i saw someone else try to share a similar message on tiktok yesterday and the overwhelming majority of the american users referred theory as little more than "book clubs for intellectuals" despite the chinese & latin american users trying to defend its usefulness on the same post.

      getting my feet wet with this reading list is making it clear to me that i'm still a heavily propagandized american liberal and some of the tiktokers who called it a book club had seemingly more knowledge of theory that I did, so i wasn't qualified to speak up. what would your response be to such a criticism?

      • People who denounce theory denounce revolution. It's plain and simple. Back in pre-revolutionary Russia, the SRs declared "an end to theory" as a unifying factor to be celebrated, and declared assassinations "transfer power." This is, of course, ridiculous, theory is important because it is useful despite disagreements over it, and assassinations do not "transfer power," but create a void filled by those closest to it, always bourgeois, never proletarian. The Bolsheviks ended up being correct, that theory, discipline, and organization is what brings real revolution, and the SRs have mostly been forgotten. I recommend reading Revolutionary Adventurism.

        It's important to recognize that Westerners have an implicit desire to maintain the status quo, having been taught all our lives that we have the "best possible" system yet. The western leftist idea of "no true Marxism yet" fits conveniently with that narrative, it's deeply chauvanistic and moreover anti-revolutionary. Looking at the most popular trends of Marxism in the west, we see many Trots and "orthodox" Marxists, some of the least successful in producing real revolution globally, while in the Global South Marxism-Leninism is dominant.

        The "book club" Marxists are equally dangerous as the "adventurist" Marxists (or Anarchists, if you prefer). It is only through uniting theory with practice that we will succeed. You cannot be anti-theory and you cannot be anti-practice, you must unite both. I want to commend your discipline in not speaking up, one of the guiding principles of Marxists is "no investigation, no right to speak." Muddying the waters with low quality input is pollutant, asking good questions and practicing self-restraint when speaking on what you don't know clarifies the waters of discourse.

        I highly recommend reading Masses, Elites, and Rebels: the Theory of "Brainwashing."

      • To add on to what else has been said, you can just be blunt and obnoxious about it. Tell them "If a bunch of barely literate peasants in China can figure out Kapital on their own despite it being written in another language, you can read a pamphlet or two."

        People smarter than anyone alive have done more in worse conditions and did us the courtesy of writing down what worked and what didn't. The Bolsheviks, Black Panther Party, anarchists in Civil War Spain and Nazi Germany, etc. were in life or death situations trying to mobilize leftwing revolution. The least anyone calling themselves a socialist can do is read what they wrote. If you say "I don't need to read theory because it's just a book club," you're being an arrogant, egotistical asshole.

        We also live in an age where there are audiobooks and videos that will read this stuff to you for free, something our predecessors didn't have. People with disabilities have used these tools to help them understand theory when they struggle with reading. There's really no excuse.

  • Americans are too weak to demand what we deserve. Too complacent.

    Worker productivity has skyrocketed over the last century, but we're still working the same 40+ hour work weeks. What's the point of advancing technology and increasing efficiency if our lives don't get easier/happier?

    Healthcare is dogshit and we're all categorically getting ripped off by it.

    We used to tax rich people appropriately in this country and, surprise surprise, the middle class was way stronger back then.

    Now we're just pussies that let the useless mega-rich do whatever the fuck they want to us and idolize them for it.

    We're a bunch of bitches is what we are. Too feeble and uneducated to bring about real change. Even voting against our own best interests because we can't be bothered to learn anything. We're honestly pathetic.

  • From what I've been seeing throughout the years, I'd say give it time. Change usually takes a bit to get started and things usually hit a low point before a breaking point.

    The next four years of Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum running things could trigger something especially if they try to go through with that P-'25 BS. As it is, the indiscriminate mass deportation in it that they are planning (including natural-born) could easily be a bit of a powder-keg for starting a massive protest.

  • they shaped their culture around anticommunism. you bet they will keep alienating their people further, and will hold off a revolution for as long as possible.

  • Looking at wealth distribution on a country-by-country basis is a mistake.

    Take that US wealth distribution graph and then graph it with the rest of the world; the reason there's no revolution becomes obvious.

  • can't say I'm a huge fan of Nick Cruze or the rest of RBN, but a graph's a graph I guess