Diamond Crossing
Diamond Crossing
Diamond Crossing
Munich (Stachus) ❤️
How does this work with overhead power lines?
Just fine.
The overhead line is the equivalent to a third rail, while the rails provide the earth connection.
So it can just be a continuous diamond shape above, same as the rails below.
Child's play compared to the old "tram squares" in Melbourne where a 600VDC tram crosses a 1500VDC train line:
Learning From Melbourne’s Level Crossing Removal Project - RMTransit | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T_auX_R4dw
they usually use metal plates under and touching the wires to make a seamless transition
Factorio flashbacks!
That must be difficult to maintain. Won't it need specially made rails?
These are fairly common on railroads so they can't be too bad on maintenance