A ‘Reverse Aging’ Guru’s Trail of Failed Businesses (feat. David Sinclair)
A ‘Reverse Aging’ Guru’s Trail of Failed Businesses (feat. David Sinclair)
This is a rather detailed investigation by folks at WSJ into the business endeavors of David Sinclair, renowned celebrity scientist at Harvard Medical School (and kind-of a known fraudster among the field)
It's... interesting to say the least. Not strictly science-science per-se, but I hope this is informative to at least some of you. Personally as someone interested in aging research, I find it valuable to see what all the snake oil salesmen are doing so I know what not to get too mentally engaged in...
Link is de-paywalled. Original link at WSJ: https://www.wsj.com/health/wellness/david-sinclair-reverse-aging-failed-business-8bc4a43d
A blog report by scientific misconduct sleuth Leonid Schneider, with references to a lot of other bonkers things Sinclair did: https://forbetterscience.com/2024/12/13/schneider-shorts-13-12-2024-most-lying-deceiving-person-in-the-world/