Do you even omelette du fromage?
Do you even omelette du fromage?
Do you even omelette du fromage?
Its omelette au fromage.
Found the "they don't know" guy of the comment section.
The dish that Americans call beef stroganoff has very little in common with the French boeuf stroganoff.
Like every other native dish, transferred to other countries.
It's a joke.
Some native dishes transferred to other countries are surprisingly faithful.
Also my comment was a joke as well based on exactly the same premise as your joke. I think my joke is funnier considering how you didn't even get that, despite you making the exact same joke.
I always boof when stroking off
It's actually Bef Stroganov.
You're all confusing beef Stroganoff with fricassée de boeuf
Do you mean бефстроганов?
Qui a coupé le fromage?
French 😰
Definitely sounds like french.
Shut up, Geoff.
Are you even stroganoff enough
Labeouf Shiastroff?
Pomp eet
Actually, you left out about 27 vowels from the first word.
The stroge me off