The comparison is staggering
The comparison is staggering
The comparison is staggering
Virgin rightwing wierdo who punches down vs chad rightwing wierdo who punches up
shoots up*
Some heroes don't wear capes. Some heroes don't wear any tops at all
Some heroes are the tops we made along the way.
Proletarian class traitor vs bourgeois class traitor
Is this lookism?
it's going to be day 300 of Luigi's Trial and he's still gonna be wearing that dreamy smile.
Nsfw tag pls
Got dayum, them cum gutters!
This is probably a hot take but I still think the guy in the left image (who was 17 at the time of initial controversy) had a chuni moment fueled by the propaganda he'd been fed that had consequences that (while obvious to most other people) he did not foresee.
But he was denied the chance to learn from his mistakes.
After being put through the wringer by the general public, he was turned into a speaking puppet for the right by opportunistic fascists who saw his mental vulnerability and (metaphorically) burned him at the stake the minute he started defending leftist positions years later.
As I understand, the right turned on him eventually for supporting "woke" ideals.
I just feel weird about lumping in a kid who was exploited by the same right-wing opportunists we're opposing with said right-wing opportunists.
While it may be obvious to us that shooting a protestor is bad, he likely saw the guy as a bad guy he needed to save people from. Delusional, yes, but ultimately rooted in his upbringing and developing neurology.
He was exploited a different way than we're being exploited, but he was still exploited by the same people exploiting us.
For all we know, his past actions haunt him, and no amount of therapy could ever help him recover fully from the weight of his own mistakes.
It is entirely possible that I'm just a big softy who doesn't want to believe that kids can be evil.
Or maybe I'm right on this one specific thing. I'm not sure any of us will definitively know at any point. I sure as hell don't know with any significant confidence.
Strongest right wing murderer vs weakest left wing assassin