Babies in Momma's pouch
Babies in Momma's pouch
Babies in Momma's pouch
Honestly that just looks weird to me
brah's just GAPIN' out this sweet lil possy omg y'all
What a wonderful day to have eyes and the skill of being able to read
You probably need to go outside and touch some opossum
She seems remarkably calm. Or maybe they've got her doped up, hard to tell with those eyes. Love her demurely crossed legs.
What's up with her nose?
I think it got scratched up.
Poor baby!
No ring
As someone with tokophobia, I find this deeply disturbing.
Tokophobia is a significant fear of childbirth.[1] It is a common reason why some women request an elective cesarean section.[3] Factors often include a fear of pain, death, unexpected problems, injury to the baby, sexual problems and a lack of self-belief of the capacity to birth a child.[4] Treatment may occur via counselling.[1] It is a type of specific phobia. In 2000, an article published in the British Journal of Psychiatry described the fear of childbirth as a psychological disorder that has received little attention and may be overlooked.[5]