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Dr. Alan Hart - Trans Megathread for the Week of December 9th, 2024 to December 15th, 2024

"Each of us must take into account the raw material which heredity dealt us at birth and the opportunities we have had along the way, and then work out for ourselves a sensible evaluation of our personalities and accomplishments."

Alan L. Hart (1890 – 1962) was a US American 20th-century physician, radiologist, disease researcher, and novelist who pioneered the use of x-ray in detection for tuberculosis. He spent the latter part of his career in public health, undoubtedly saving many thousands of lives across the country expanding tb services and education throughout rural areas. In 1917 Hart was one of the first people to undergo a gender affirming hysterectomy in the United States, and is the first documented case of a female to male transition in medical literature in the English speaking world.

“I had to do it. For years I had been unhappy. With all the inclinations and desires of the boy I had to restrain myself to the more conventional ways of the other sex. I have been happier since I made this change than I ever have in my life, and I will continue this way as long as I live’

interview with Hart about his hysterectomy

Hart begin expressing himself as a boy starting at least age 4, and was largely accepted by his family as male, with his grandfathers obituary in 1921 listing Hart as his grandson. A family friend of his stated in a 1921 interview “Young Hart was different, even then. Boys' clothes just felt natural. Hart always regarded himself as a boy and begged his family to cut his hair and let him wear trousers. Hart disliked dolls but enjoyed playing doctor. He hated traditional girl tasks, preferring farm work with the menfolk instead. The self reliance that became a lifelong trait was evident early: once when he accidentally chopped off his fingertip with an axe, Hart dressed it himself, saying nothing about it to the family.” During childhood school, Hart wrote most of his assignments under his first chosen name of Robert Allen Bamford Jr.

Hart received a total of 4 degrees in his life. He received a pre med degree in 1912 from Portland, Oregon’s Lewis & Clark College, then known as Albany College, followed by a medicine degree doctorate from the University of Oregon Medical Department in Portland (now Oregon Health & Science University) in 1917. His doctorate was originally issued under "Hart, [deadname] aka Robert L., M.D.”. which prompted a legal name change in 1918. He took his first medical job at a Red Cross hospital at this point. In 1928, Hart received a master’s degree in radiology from the University of Pennsylvania and was named director of radiology at Tacoma General Hospital. After working for several years as a tuberculosis consultant in Washington and Idaho, Alan Hart moved with his wife to Hartford, Connecticut, where he received a master’s degree in public health from Yale University in 1948. Around this time, Hart began taking testosterone and is described as having a deeper voice and being able to grow facial hair as a result.


Hart devoted much of his career to research and treatment of tuberculosis. By the dawn of the 19th century, tuberculosis—or consumption—had killed one in seven of all people that had ever lived. Throughout much of the 1800s, consumptive patients sought "the cure" in sanatoriums, where it was believed that rest and a healthful climate could change the course of the disease. In 1882, Robert Koch's discovery of the tubercule baccilum revealed that TB was not genetic, but rather highly contagious; it was also somewhat preventable through good hygiene. After some hesitation, the medical community embraced Koch's findings, and the U.S. launched massive public health campaigns to educate the public on tuberculosis prevention and treatment. TB usually attacked victims' lungs first; Hart was among the first physicians to document how it then spread, via the circulatory system, causing lesions on the kidneys, spine, and brain, eventually resulting in death. With no cure for the disease in its advanced stages the only hope for sufferers was early detection.

X-rays, or Roentgen rays as they were more commonly known until World War Two, had been discovered only in 1895, when Hart was five years old. In the early twentieth century they were used to detect bone fractures and tumors, but Hart became interested in their potential for detecting tuberculosis. Since the disease often presented no symptoms in its early stages, X-ray screening was invaluable for early detection. Even rudimentary early X-ray machines could detect the disease before it became critical. This allowed early treatment, often saving the patient's life. It also meant sufferers could be identified and isolated from the population, greatly lessening the spread of the disease. By the time antibiotics were introduced in the 1940s, doctors using the techniques Hart developed had managed to cut the tuberculosis death toll down to one fiftieth of what it had previously been.

In 1937, Hart was hired by the Idaho Tuberculosis Association and later became the state's Tuberculosis Control Officer. He established Idaho's first fixed-location and mobile TB screening clinics and spearheaded the state's war against tuberculosis. Between 1933 and 1945 Hart traveled extensively through rural Idaho, covering thousands of miles while lecturing, conducting mass TB screenings, training new staff, and treating the effects of the epidemic. An experienced and accessible writer, Hart wrote widely for medical journals and popular publications, describing TB for technical and general audiences and giving advice on its prevention, detection, and cure. At the time the word "tuberculosis" carried a social stigma akin to venereal disease, so Hart insisted his clinics be referred to as "chest clinics", himself as a "chest doctor", and his patients as "chest patients". Discretion and compassion were important tools in treating the stigmatised disease.

In 1943, Hart, now recognized as pre-eminent in the field of tubercular roentgenology, compiled his extensive evidence on TB and other X-ray-detectable cases into a definitive compendium, These Mysterious Rays: A Nontechnical Discussion of the Uses of X-rays and Radium, Chiefly in Medicine, still a standard text today. The book was translated into Spanish and several other languages

PBS - TB in America: 1895-1954

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  • I am not a frequent trans mega poster but I am still the genders and I’ve seen some of y’all around. Just popping in to say that I am distancing myself online for some time and if anyone here has seen me around/we have interacted before and wants to keep in touch with frog monster lady who will never shut up about covid you can find my matrix details in my profile here. xoxo

  • Thanks to everybody who upvoted and read the mega. I did a lot of work tracking down primary sources and went through a variety of secondary sources to piece together a decent retelling of the life and work of Dr Hart

  • Is it weird that I'm way more offended when someone assumes I'm a straight woman than when they misgender me?

  • Learned that my brother has turned into an incel - he has "The Menu: Life without the opposite sex" in his secret santa list. And I'm horrified.

    ::: spoiler spoiler For all of human history men and women came together to form families. It may have been common, it may have been routine, but that is what they did. Generation after generation, for all of human history, men and women formed families.

    That is until now.

    Because with advances in technology, incredible economic growth, a generous welfare state, and the political movement of feminism, men and women no longer need each other in order to survive. And as much as we'd like to deny it, when given the choice, men and women are empirically and increasingly choosing to be alone. By 2030 45% of marriage-age women are forecasted to be single, rendering a same percent of men equally so. 70% of both men and women are overweight, indicating little serious interest in attracting a mate. Marriage ranks 5th place on women's priority list. And 1 in 3 marrying-age men live with their parents. And all that with crippling college debt that makes having a family a luxury most will never afford.

    But the solution is not to reverse or somehow undo the forces that got us here. Those political, economic, and sociological forces are simply unstoppable. Marriage is not coming back, certainly not in your lifetime. The solution is to give up hope. The solution is to stoically accept this fate. Because whether you'd like to admit it or not, only 1 in every 2 of you are going to get married (and only 1 in 8 of you who do will be happy!). And thus the real risk you face is not “never getting married” or “never having a family,” but wasting your one and preciously-short life pursuing something that is statistically unlikely to happen.

    Unfortunately, this dark reality leaves half the population in an existential lurch. Without family, marriage, love, or a loving spouse, what do people have to live for in life? You are here after all, and you have to do something with your 80 years of consciousness on this planet. So unless you're going to kill yourself, your existence forces you to find a purpose and reason to live. You cannot merely “exist.” And so, most people today and into the future are faced with the arduous task of finding purpose and meaning in life, absent the opposite sex.

    Thus, “The Menu.”

    Though humanity has never been to the point where women and men abandoned one another before, that doesn't mean there is not a limitless number of things life offers that gives it value. Whether it's hobbies, vice, philosophy, religion, your career, or your friends, the world offers a limitless menu for you to choose from. A never-ending buffet of things you can do, pursue, enjoy, and become during your 80 year visit here. And while it may not be what 2 million years of genetics are screaming at you to want, it's superior to falling in love and having a family, simply because it's possible. It's at least on “The Menu.” And so you face a very simple question. Do you want to spend yet another night at home, playing video games, jerking off to porn, and downing some Mountain Dew? Do you want to drink another bottle...or two...of wine while you watch yet another Hallmark movie? Or do you want to put on your big girl panties, cowboy up, acknowledge there is no one out there for you, and make this life count as much as you possibly can?

    You're going to die. There's no doubt about that. The question is if you're going to live. Order something from “The Menu.” :::

  • This girl on Love is Blind is Israeli and her dad was like “we definitely identify more as Israeli than Jewish”.

    I feel like so many of these reality shows I’ve watched have Israelis…idk if I’m being conspiratorial noticing this…or if it’s like some weird thing like the military and superhero movies.

  • I didn't think I minded pausing my HRT to prep for sperm banking but now it's getting to me. There's this girl at work I've been talking to but I know all she sees is a stupid idiot man and I'm not even on the path to shedding that because this is taking so long

  • Why can I not post good? Where is my posting!

    (I know where my posting is. It's at an end


    It feels bad though, I don't even have the energy to think about Gender much or like, read Psycho Nymph Exile. I somehow have less spoons now than when I was employed. This fucking sucks & I am going to die probably. Sorry for posting badly...

  • 6 Month Tranniversary!

    i'm iffy on doing 6 month celebrations but so much has changed in the period since my egg cracked. i'm definitely starting to settle into myself, i would say this is the most confident i've been in my life. i have so much to look forward to and am so grateful for what's already happened

    i looked in the mirror the other day and while there's still a laundry list of things i want to change, my lesbian ass was like "god damn i'm gonna be so fucking hot"

    also i'll be celebrating today by adding a new pronoun. i've been jealous of everyone else's and thought i might try it out cause why not?

    to Hexbear and more specifically all of you in this megathread, i can't thank you enough for what you mean to me. oh and apologies for the preening (not really)

  • Well I've been on estrogen for a week, and my bisexuality has been going absolutely insane. I want cuddles still, but I've actually never been this interested in sex before. It honestly feels kinda nice. Don't know if it's just a placebo or not, but I've just felt like a much emotionally warmer person over the week and I've been really happy about that

    • I still remember the first time me and my ex had sex after I came out. Nothing changed but everything changed, all of a sudden it was way more queer (also better lol)

  • A long time ago, I lived in a basement suite that had a nice tiered garden. One day I saw a butterfly that kind of had some kind of camo like bird poop? It seemed to be struggling and couldn't fly back out of the basement patio. I brought it in and feed it a sugar slurry I had from when I brewed beer. It rested, stuck it's little proboscis out, drank deeply and then I went back outside and waited for it to fly. And it did.

    Next year there were 5 of these bird poop butterflies all pretending to be mortally wounded lol

  • Hexbear tracha, have you ever been in love?

    Don't be twee or dismissive, I mean do it if you want I just think sometimes thats used as a shield for very deep hurt that would be better explored by sincerity rather than reflexive irony. Specifically, I mean romantic love or at least a very deep love for those of us in the aro space

  • Current fedi hell discourse is that trans women saying "kill all men" is transphobic bcs some men are trans men and so now there's a crusade by libshit tenderqueers against anyone they've labelled as a "TIRF" and people claiming that being mean to men on the internet is just as bad as patriarchal violence against women was in the early 20th century

    Fedi sucks so bad

  • slowly starting to come to the realization that I'm kinda like a cat. I can take care of myself but someone really should be taking care of me. I would give them presents and purr in their laps all day.

  • Will I ever stop being eepy sleepy?

    Also has anyone done studies, or written a paper, or even just made useful observations about what part of being trans makes you eepy sleepy? Is it just a transfemme thing or are we all darn tired? Is it estrogen that's doing it? Can I ever sleep properly again and not be tired please?

    I thought this would have worn off by now, "second puberty" right? But I guess being sleebi is with me for life =) please help!


    would post pics but don't wanna dox myself but YOOOO I got a gorgeous raincoat for like fifteen bucks that probably retailed for like 200 and actually fits?‽?!‽

    Nothing ever fits me well??

    thank you based god

  • So I tried dating t4t poly dating for the first time, and it's been like kind of a mess.

    Basically when I told my friend about the person I was dating, he warned me saying that his ex had had a bad experience with her. I asked her about this, and she told me a different version of the sorry, and that the friend's ex had been spreading rumors about my date for years to cover up her own abuse.

    So both the person I was dating and the accuser are poly. I was contacted by other partners of both of these people to support their partner and tell me bad things abpit the other person. There is apparently a lot of history here. I have no way of knowing who did the wrong thing here or what really happened. But I do know what I feel like I am involved in some sort of feud between two polycules, lasting several years at least, which is ridiculous and I hate it.

    Even without the feud, I found it very off-putting that as soon as there was a problem between the person I was dating and myself her other partners immediately stepped in. One of them wanted to set up a meeting so that we could discuss the things I had been told and they could "take action". I had never met this other person before. She is cis, which is fine I guess but I am exclusively t4t and I really hate the idea of involving a random cis person in my relationship. Honestly it felt like I was getting emails from HR or something.

    I'm not against being poly, or having an open relationship, or dating someone who is. But like it seems really weird and unfair that this person's other partners will immediately get involved when I haven't even met them before, and I don't have any other partners of my own at the moment.

    I'm definitely done with this whole mess, and I hope to avoid these people in the future. But I imagine there are people here who have had good experiences with this type of thing. So like how is it supposed to work? Should I have met the other partners sooner? Should I not date someone when I'm not really interested in a relationship with their other parents? Idk