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Trump surgeon general pick involved in gun accident that killed her father at age 13

Nominee Dr Janette Nesheiwat knocked over gun in 1990, causing it to fire and fatally shoot father in the head

  • This seems pretty low key to most the picks.. I mean I don't know if she has any skills for the job, but this back story is a lot less worry some that most the picks.

    • I don't know if she has any skills for the job,

      I'm pretty sure the minimum requirements for trump cabinet is that you have absolutely zero qualifications for the job and it's highly preferred if you have publicly shown contempt for the job/agency it heads

  • Crazy that he was a dad at age 13

    /srs this is an awful story, and I'm sure she's going to be awful at her job for some reason or another since trump picked her, but what on earth does particular story have to do with her ability to do her job?