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Super Smash Bros. Playable Fighters Ideas #3: Hawlucha

Previously I made ideas for Agumon and Crash, now we're moving to the Third Candidate for the Series, Hawlucha, a Gen VI Pokémon.

Series Symbol: A Pokéball.


Hawlucha would be a lightweight where its height is short. It's an expert in the air though not so much on the ground.


Weight: Light

Height: Short

Walk Speed: Moderate-Fast

Initial Dash: Moderate

Run Speed: Fast

Fall Speed: Fast

Aerial Acceleration: High

Aerial Speed: Fast

Other Movements:

Jumps: 5

Wall Jump?: Yes

Wall Cling?: Yes

Crawl?: No

Standard Attacks:

Jab - Reversal: Performs a slow straight punch, which gets stronger if it takes damage.

Dash Attack - Acrobatics: Performs a fast forward charge attack.

Side Tilt - Karate Chop: Performs a forward chop.

Up Tilt - Drain Punch: Performs an upwards punch, draining an opponent's health and healing itself.

Down Tilt - Low Sweep: Performs a sweep with one of its legs.

Side Smash - High Jump Kick: Performs a jump upward knee kick.

Up Smash - Mega Punch: Performs a strong upward punch.

Down Smash - Mega Kick: Performs a swinging kick.

Neutral Aerial - Wing Attack: Slaps with one of its wings.

Forward Aerial - Dual Wingbeat: Hits the opponents with both of its wings forwards.

Back Aerial - False Swipe: Performs a backwards punch.

Up Aerial - Aerial Ace: Performs a fast upward kick.

Down Aerial - Low Kick: Performs a downward Kick.

Grab, Pummel and Throws:

Grab: Grabs with both hands.

Pummel: Knees the opponent.

Forward Throw - Strength: Performs a forward strong punch.

Back Throw - Submission: Rolls backwards with opponent before throwing them.

Up Throw - U-Turn: Jumps in the air with the opponent, flips, then slams them on the ground behind it.

Down Throw - Rock Slide: Summons Rock, making slide down onto the opponent.

Floor Attacks:

Front Floor Attack: It slashes on both sides while getting up.

Back Floor Attack: It sweeps on both sides of itself with its wings while getting up.

Trip Floor Attack: It sits up, and slashes on both sides.

Ledge Attack: Kicks backwards while doing a flip.

Special Attacks:

Neutral Special - Revenge: Punches the opponent forward, which the power increases if hit.

Side Special - Brave Bird: Tucks its wings in, then charges forward.

Up Special - Flying Press: Jumps up, then dives onto the opponent, which can also meteor spike aerial opponents.

Down Special - Roost: Closes its eyes, then heals itself.

Final Smash - Supersonic Skystrike: Soars up with its Z-Power and plummets toward the target at full speed.

Poses, Animations & Others:

Dodge roll - backwards: Does a backward flip.

Dodge roll - forwards: Does a forward flip.

Bubble shield pose: Covers itself with its wings.

Spot Dodge: Puts one "hand" of claws on the ground as it crouches down.

Parry: Move flips backwards a little.

Entrance Animation: Comes out of a Pokéball, and does a fighting pose.


A: Flexes its arm muscles, and looks to either side.

B: Strikes a fighting pose and lets out a fierce "Caw!"

C: Strikes a pose, holding both wings forwards, and one above its head.

Idle Animations:

1: Looks around before posing.

2: Flexes itself.

Victory Animations:

1: Glides in from the background, lands, and then poses with its arms crossed.

2: Jumps up, swipes the air twice, then lands on the ground with one knee.

3: Turns around, nods and then faces the camera and poses, spreading its arms and straightening its legs.

Victory Music: Victory! Pokémon Series

Losing Pose: Claps slowly with its eyes closed, turning away.

Credits Theme: Kalos Trainer Battle

Alternate Colors:


2.Purple/Red/Black/Green: Based on its Shiny.

3.Black/White: Based on Pangoro.

4.Dark Blue/Cream/Orange: Based on Hariyama.

5.Red/Yellow/Orange: Based on Scrafty.

6.Black/Gray/Red: Based on Incineroar.

7.Blue-Gray/Brown/Yellow: Based on Machamp.

8.Cream/Red/Yellow: Based on Blaziken.


English: Tyler Bunch

Japanese: Shinichiro Miki


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