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How would you compensate employees for commuting to work?

Suppose there are two employees: Alice and Bob, who do the same job at the same factory. Alice has a 10 minute (20RT) commute, Bob commutes 35 minutes(70RT).

If you're the owner of the factory, would you compensate them for their commutes? How would you do it?

  • In my opinion, I don't think employees should be compensated for their commute. How an employee chooses to arrive to work and how far they live away from a company is not a responsibility of the company. Their job is to be ready to work when their shift starts.

    However, this is an X-Y question. The overwhelming majority of jobs historically required you to show up to work. We didn't consider paying for their commute unless they had to travel for work outside of commuting. This was never an issue.

    You asked the "X" question, but the "Y" question (the question you're probably asking) is how the burden of commuting should be handled for employees being asked to come in when they have been working remotely.

    I think that there are many more nuances to this than simply compensation. If the employee has a working agreement with the company, and they have been managing their time with full-time remote hours, then they should consider that as part of the work agreement.

    If they're being asked to come in (when they would normally be WFH), that's outside of the work agreement. It's basically like being asked to get coffee for your boss or something. If it was advertised as part of the job, and you accepted it, then that's fine. If you started work, and a year later, your boss asks you for daily coffee runs under the threat of being fired, that is not acceptable.

    You have to keep in mind that the recent WFH popularity has challenged a lot of companies by making their own interests difficult. A lot of it is shitty stuff that the company doesn't want to say out loud, like:

    • They cannot walk around and micromanage you
    • They cannot watch you work
    • They don't like the idea of taking breaks, even if you put in the same amount of work throughout the day
    • They don't have that corporate appearance of an office of business casual-dressed employees
    • They have real estate they paid for that is sitting half-empty

    This kind of thing. Realistically, from an employee perspective, they're doing the same work, and they don't see any issue hanging around their house in their pajamas. From a higher-up perspective at some companies, though, they don't have the same goals.

    It makes sense that a lot of employees are leaving their positions with companies forcing them to come into the office. In my opinion, they're breaking their working agreement. It may not be written down and it may not be a legal difference, but there is no doubt that they're radically changing the work requirements, which might not be what they signed up for. And what if you're in a wheelchair?

    Unfortunately, if Alice and Bob live in the US, there is hardly any hope for them if the company doesn't have goodness in its heart. The workers' rights laws in the US are almost non-existent. There are even about three dozen states that can even legally fire you for being gay. It's that bad.

    In my opinion, workers' rights should be highlighted, and side effects like working agreements and compensation for commuting should be solved problems by proxy.

    • I believe my company's arrangements are agreeable for remote workers.

      For those who are classified as fully remote, they can claim travel expenses on mileage up to a certain range. Basically, the radius of the city that their "core" office is based out of plus the surrounding towns. But they can't claim more than that (unless they're out of state and they'll pay for like plane tickets and whatnot).

      For those who are hybrid (expected to show up at least once a week) and fully onsite, they don't get any mileage for travel to their home office but do get mileage to satellite offices, calculated by distance from the home office.

      The compensation is also very generous. While I am hybrid, I have one day per week at my home office and one day per week at another, and that is more than enough to pay for my gas (even factoring in non-work related travel, which I admittedly don't do much of).

      But there are definitely some people who are able to benefit from this more than others. If you live a 5-minute drive away from the furthest office from your home office (would that I could be so lucky), you get to claim a lot of travel reimbursement with minimal actual travel, which seems unfair for those who are routinely asked to commute even further than their norm.

  • My employer gives us a commuting payment based on the distance from home to work (paid per km) on days we go to the office. We get an additional €60 a month to cover our working from home costs.

  • If they can take public transit I'd pay for it. I'd give them up to $2,000 hiring bonus to buy an electric bike (maybe find a good company and get a discount) and offer relocation fees to get within range of either. If you're driving, use park and ride and I'll pay for it.

    Other than that, WFH.

  • Half assed ideas.

    Option 1) % of hourly pay rate, capped at an two hours for a total round trip (but flexible) + a stipend depending on mode of transportation. Could try to get receipts from workers and have a purser issue cash/credit on their next paycheck or issue re loadable debit cards that get filled at regular intervals. (So a card for paid public transit and fuel for combustion vehicles) If we're working in a place that taxes employee wages, the more taxes the employer can carry the better on the workers.

    Option 2) Everybody gets a debit card and a list of approved places/items to be purchased for the purposes of "commuting to work compensation". Workers could be expected to keep as many receipts as possible to turn in weekly just to verify stuff.

    Option 3) Some subcommittee tracks worker commute times and how they commute and every quarter or something a stipend is paid in a lump sum like a bonus or it is used to give a paycheck by paycheck payout.

    Easiest idea would be like JohanSkullcrusher said, full hourly pay rate the second I get into my car to start driving. Though workers would wind up paying more in income taxes and there'd probably be some issues with workers getting different compensation, like somebody walking 10 minutes to work and somebody driving 1 hour to get to work are going to have significantly different income levels at the end of the year.

  • Government has power to put it on trial.

    1. Revitalize public transportation, adjust timetables to usual starts\ends of shifts;
    2. Make dumb paycards to pay-per-ride, consequential rides counting as one (if one needs to jump them);
    3. Public sector employees, essential ones first, get 2 rides per working day monthly, to go there and back;
    4. After getting some stats, make it equal to N litres of gasoline in $, tax-free, promote paying with it on gas stations and for government's services. No easy conversion to cash tho, not at the start at least, so it won't be seen as free money, worthy a fraud.

    As a public test, it'd show if it works. Then, it can be pushed onto students, then on other spheres.

    Then, as a large amount of workers has this benefit, it's not a wet dream but a real thing to consider and demand. One that private businesses would see.

    I do find that not paying for commute has a good competitive value. It means I start to earn money right from the time I clock in, not spending my first minutes to compensate getting there – and that's a bitch for low-paid workers. Compared to those working from home, I still wake up earlier and am trapped on company's ground, but it's a first step to bridge and accept this difference.

    In some cities I visited (ex-socblock) some big factories provide their own transport to take workers from their district and then bring them back. Since they are based way out of cities' limits due to health concerns, it's an obvious solution to that. By managing the commute of workers, factory may also be sure everyone in production line gets there at the same time, reaching full efficiency.

  • If I am travelling to a location purely to do my job at that location, then travelling to that location is part of my job. I must be reasonably compensated for it either as part of my salary or as an extra (tax adjusted) payment.

    Switch the pronouns and such to apply for Bob and Alice both.

  • I'll offer Bob a place near the workplace if he's a good employee. If he asks me to pay for his transportation expenses, it won't happen. I think I'd formally invite him to find another job at the end of the contract.

  • Offering to finance all or part of the tickets is a good option IMO. My company offers the German "job ticket" or whatever it was called again to a percentage.

  • The compensation could be capped at 15 miles or 30 minutes or something, which would encourage people to live closer to work.