what a moment to live
what a moment to live
what a moment to live
Drive-by e-scooter shootings have been a thing here in Sweden, which I firmly place in the same cyberpunk bucket.
Look, if Elon got run over by a Tesla, everyone would be laughing it off right now. If putin got smashed between a large truck and another large truck or by some other means like a large steel plate, everyone would be more than ecstatic. I would do a little dance myself. So I think we should just not try to figure out who did this too hard. It just happens sometimes. Right?
Cuz nobody figures out who denied your claim when your dad had to die right? Where's the justice there? This is it! This is the justice. Don't want it? Well then implement a better way to get justice. As, is, this is great.
Hey gun crime is just a reality we have to live with, according to the Republicans in Congress. So I don't see any reason to make a big fuss just because this rich bastard accidentally feel into some bullets, instead of the usual bunch of innocent children or random black person the cops decided to shoot while face down and in handcuffs. No, I'm sure the police have much more serious police matters to attend to, like civil forfeiture on somebody carrying a large amount of cash or selling appropriated weapons to drug cartels.
Look, if Elon got run over by a Tesla, everyone would be laughing it off right now.
I think he should have demonstrated the use of that metal tube he wanted to use as a rescue sub to rescue those kids in the thai cave. Best way to demonstrate its safe is to go into it yourself.
Or he could use a pseudonym and work remote from one of the companies he owns and see how long he lasts as a worker. He thinks he can judge other peoples code? lets see his medicore bitchass show up and show us all how its done.
That guy sucks.
Maybe he could go get the remains of the Titan. Who knows what we could learn from that.
Cuz nobody figures out who denied your claim when your dad had to die right?
This is part of the hell that we live in.
If you have a complaint about any corporation, you can’t do anything about it. They all run phone trees designed to waste your time and make it impossible to reach anyone who can actually do anything. They pay call center workers in India nothing to take the frustration which should be directed at the C-suites.
We live in a world with zero accountability for anyone with a sizable bank account.
Come now. Everyone knows pootin doesn't like heights or falling out windows
Oh that's right! He loves the planet. I wish to offer him a planet hug from 7 stories away.
That's it, I officially get my news mostly from memes
First time?
No, that's kinda what I meant
Seems risky for the perpetrator, won't they be able to trace who rented the bike?
They took the ebike into central park and got away on foot from there. I doubt they're the one that rented the bike or if they did, they did it with fake info and a prepaid card. Once they got to central park they probably swapped into a new set of clothes out of that backpack and disapeared.
born too early to fight in the post-apocalypse wasteland, born too late to fight in the pre-apocalypse waste land, born just in time to fight billionaires in the peri-apocalyptic wasteland.
Of the 3 scenarios, this is the only one that lets me focus my rage on people who deserve it.
I'm out of the loop. Please, explain.
American hero, Agent 47/John Wick/etc, shot the CEO of United Healthcare and killed him at 7am in front of the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan.
He had "Deny, Defend, Depose" carved into the shell casings of the spent cartridges he used to kill the parasite.
He then rode away on an E-Bike and hasn't been seen since.
Perhaps the 9mm pistol is the guillotine of the next American revolution.
You've said this on so many posts I'm struggling to keep track of which ones I've seen before. It's not a criticism, just saying you're messing with my melon maaaan.
Wow, you weren't kidding. I wish I had that much confidence in my comments
Sorry. I hope your melon has recovered.
Much cheaper than giving a CEO a golden parachute
For CEOs, plata o plomo
In its very perverted logic, this assassination is good for capitalism. Every CEO can ask for a raise now.
Yep, they should form a union and demand hazard pay on their CBAs.
but wait, it gets even more cyberpunk: the security cam footage is on streamable! :o https://streamable.com/2e8p4v
Already down, shame.
It's also on Wikipedia and Know Your Meme
It's down now. :(
God can we please get 4k security cameras before the first corpo war
No. It's better this way.
Some people are still trying to buy 2mpx if it saves them money.
Copayback. I've never smiled as much as I have today. Random Shooter can have anything he wants or needs from me, an alibi, a bike rental, a kidney.
Tying a gift card to a balloon and writing a note to go with it "God bless the CEO slayer"
That video is just so wonderful. He executes him so smoothly, hardly moving, and leaves with a smile. I love it.
There was that meme about things we are bringing back in the 2020s from the 1920s, that included anarcho-syndicalism.
I guess that was a miscalculation, we are actually bringing back even earlier forms of anarchism. 💣
Is "Propaganda of the Deed" gonna be the hottest new trend on Tik Tok in 2025? Wait and find out!
Now let's add a bit of Ghost in the Shell where the shooter is invisible because no one has organic eyes anymore.... And he has an electronic scrambling technology
You forgot the funniest part from the movie: when the man was hacked into believing he had a wonderful life with a wife and daughter, when he was really just living in a tiny shitty apartment. Completely broke his mind lmao
This felt more Snow Crash to me. The recent history of manipulation going on in social media is definitely Stand Alone Complex territory though.
I bet it was that guy who got denied an upgraded robotic leg battery.
He hacked my eyes!!
wasn't that also somehow a plotline on altered carbon?
Hmm yes with the Yakuza leader being killed I believe?
...so far.
Hey dental insurance CEO, are you thinking twice this morning about signing off on that press release where you're going to start denying all of Grandma's dental claims if you you're software finds any evidence of her smiling on social media... Smiling being user-initiated routine wear and tear on teeth that shareholders demand no longer be covered by default.
Think twice this morning, my Lord...
Was he catching the casings? Like I'm confused why he kept cocking it or reaching on the top?
The silencer and possibly the subsonic ammo caused it to jam so he had to keep racking it to fire. He left three casings from the shots and three live rounds on the ground from the jamming.
and this, kids, is why you don't want to own a Taurus for self defense.
The CEO probably thought...you can't do th...do you know who I am..? Right before he hit the pavement. Asshole. I hope this feeling is not illegal.
The suppressor was 100% a wish or temu "flashlight" kit, not legal. Legal ones are usually sold with a neilson device for use with tilting barrel pistols (like glocks), since his didn't have one the combo was too heavy to cycle the slide. He also had trouble going back into battery a few times leading me to believe it was a poorly milled "ghost gun."
Gun Jesus disagrees, I trust Ian.
My very large sample of Facebook posts from people who had their claims denied by United Healthcare I made today.
His defence will be that his Cyberdyne nanotech brain implants malfunctioned.
Wake the fuck up, samurai. We’ve got a CEO to ventilate.
"to ventilate/was ventilated" is what im gonna use from now on thank you its genious
Glad I could teach you an interesting phrase :D
It’s actually quite old. It’s been used in this context of ‘shooting someone’ since at least the 1870’s.
The more often I see this fact, the more I realize that none if it is satire
Such a tragic loss! He's going to miss those dictionary bullets! Each bullet comes with one word written on it....live, life, laugh are probably still I'm the barrel
I can't wait for some kind of cyberpunk asshole nuke to blow up the pentagon in the next episode of reality
Nah, they need to do it at Black Rock HQ.
Alexa, Play The Rebel Path(Cello Version)
Do we have sauce?
The Internet is the sauce for this one, it's still cooking
To celebrate, I went on a (buying) spree on a rented e-bike today!
(Unfortunately it's a bit costly around here)
I spent this week searching for Christmas gifts. It's cold outside and I suddenly had this thought that everyone in my family plus my friends are getting tan colored jackets with hoods. It just came to me out of the blue.
Straight out of a William Gibson novel.