Is Everyone Stupid? An Election Investigation – SOME MORE NEWS
Is Everyone Stupid? An Election Investigation – SOME MORE NEWS
Is Everyone Stupid? An Election Investigation – SOME MORE NEWS
Haven't really been watching Daily or Colbert since the election. I think I need to go back to Cody for the trump years.
The other podcast he was doing during the election was good too. They made a lot of good calls and saw a lot of shit that apparently the Dem campaign didn't see coming.
The one they made in January about how the dems should have a primary because they lose when they don’t was especially prescient.
Showdy me that
"This message brought to you by Wormbo. Eat corn cream!"
I'm always impressed with how long his monologues are before any kind of editorial break. Cody's a marathon performer.
Guy says "No, not entirely" and then proceeds to explain that they're mostly ignorant and willing to vote for anyone who offers change even if they're an con man who's stated positions will very obviously make things worse. I don't know what this guy's criteria for stupid is but that sounds like people are pretty fucking stupid to me.
Desperate isn't stupid. If you're offered a bowl of rice when all you've been eating is a bowl of maggots, it doesn't really matter if the rice is also just maggots.
It is hope, something you have to provide at a bare minimum to win an election.
Harris failed to do that basic thing, so did Clinton. Offering more maggots to eat while saying you're experiencing the best fine dining of your life already so we're not changing away from maggots is a bad strategy.
"Come to my restaurant that exclusively makes dog shit and I'll give you a fine dining meal that's definitely not dog shit. Yes, I already got you in once by making the exact same promises and fed you nothing but dog shit but it'll be different this time, I promise." Still sounds stupid as shit to me.