The rule of law
The rule of law
The rule of law
While giving a pass to the literal crime syndicate about to take over the government.
Liberals this past 24 hours have been more critical of trump for violating campaign tax filing regulations than biden violating international and us laws to aid israel in its genocide of Palestinians. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
No, the 10 million democrats who voted for Biden in 2020 but stayed home in 2024 cuz Kamala wasn't a good enough option did that;
Blaming voters is not the path forward for 2026, 2028, 2030, etc Nobody owes the party shit. They owe you results, or at least a concerted effort to deliver results.
Look at how the traditionally reliable voting blocs have eroded - older black voters who lived through the civil rights era remember that progress delivered by the left wing, and vote Democratic overwhelmingly. Younger black voters lived through George Floyd and BLM, and saw Democratic flip-flopping and a severe lack of commitment or unity - and are more receptive of Republican economic appeals, given that team blue showed them they aren’t a priority. If systemic racism or police abuse is not going to be addressed by either party, might as well vote for the one who promises cost of living relief and has made (cynical and performative) pardons to black celebrities who encountered legal issues. THAT is the mentality that got shouted down when black celebrities displayed a willingness to parlay with Trump:
Just had a great meeting with @realdonaldtrump @potus besides what he’s done so far with criminal reform, the platinum plan is going to give the community real ownership. He listened to what we had to say today and assured he will and can get it done. 🤙🏾 Lil Wayne
Out right hatred is sometimes preferable to wilful ignorance.
Don't waste your keystrokes ITT
This country lost moral priorities long long ago
Yeah when it took perfectly good tea and threw it into the river
That's actually pretty straight forward. The other guy is seen as "morally good" so everything he does is also seen as good, even if if flagrantly breaks laws and human rights. Biden is seen as "morally bad" so even the slightest mistake is immediately seen and treated as blasphemy. It's how right wingers see the world as morally good and bad, with laws and justice there just to punish the morally bad. Facts or consistency don't matter.
I don’t know on what earth even trumps supporters think he’s morally good. Everyone knows he’s an asshole, and for some that’s a feature not a bug.
And biden is morally bad. He could of ended this genocide at any point and probably won the election in the process (or Harris) but nooooo gotta have endless war and liberal tears because they can’t figure out why they lost and are throwing a toddler temper tantrum at anyone who refused to vote for Harris.
So essentially you're saying the problem is Dem voters have standards...
And the fix isn't Dem politicians who meet those standards...
Instead you want Dem voters to throw away their standards?
You realize that leaves America with two options that are morally bad?
I don't think you realize just how many votes Dems leave on the table by only aiming to be a little better than Donald fucking Trump.
The standard for a Dem candidate should be about what Dem voters are willing to vote for. Not just being a better choice than the republican. We keep trying it and it keeps not working. So why not try a better candidate who will be a better president?
What's the point in settling for someone less popular with Dem voters because the only other choice is a literal fascist?
Because for whatever reasons, our entire government backs isreal. We don't even get oil from them. I don't know what the deal is.
Nukes adjacent to Iran. It's an EU collabo that will never end.
The majority of Americans are Protestant. There is a pillar of protestant Christianity that when Jesus returns in the second coming he will build a Temple in Israel and that will be the start of 1000 years of peace under Jesus Christ.
That is why these people will bend over backwards for them. They think they are protecting the world by protecting Israel and ensuring Jesus has a place to build his temple. Literal cult nonsense.
A slim majority of American voters support blocking weapon shipments and a large majority of Democrat voters do.
The problem with Biden shipping weapons is that it casts doubt on our "democracy".
As if the almighty son of God couldn't just set up a temple whenever and wherever he wants, gotta make sure the locals are on board. By any means necessary (White American Jesus loves that shit)
So instead, let's make sure the area is controlled by the people whose attitude towards Jesus is "eh, guy was alright, I guess. #NotMyMessiah" Not to say there should be another crusade for Christianity to retake the area and... shit, someone's probably planning that too, aren't they?
That’s not how you criticize Biden! THIS is how you criticize Biden!
Let’s all criticize Biden.
After all we can’t afford to let someone misuse the office of the president.
Can I criticize binder
I have binders full of criticisms. They're more like concepts of criticisms, really. But still, binders of them.
Why not both?
Welcome to why singling out Biden and Harris for supporting Israel was so stupid. The entire US establishment supports Israel with few exceptions.
Remember when Biden addressed the nation after Oct 7 and said he saw pictures of 40 beheaded babies? What a shocking, unnecessary lie.
Biden did this to himself.
Just wait til the insanity reaches a fever pitch and stays there for four years.
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
It's not newsworthy when a duck quacks.
No one expected Biden to suddenly stop his support of genocide.
But he made a huge deal about not pardoning his son, to the point where the rest of the party and neoliberal talking heads on network news latched onto it as why Dems are better than Republicans.
Than Joe fucked everyone over by just fucking doing it anyways...
Leaving the rest of the party and the billionaire's talking heads to scramble to explain why Biden was obviously going to do this and it's a nothingburger.
Which is fucking stupid.
Biden fucked the party with this, so the party should have thrown him under the bus:
We do not agree with this pardon, but it's Biden's decision
Is not fucking hard and saves some semblance of the party's integrity
Joe didn’t fuck anyone over. Trump doesn’t give a shit about precedent, hell pardon whoever he wants just like he did last time he was in office.
I hate joe biden with everything in my soul but I’m glad he pardoned his son. It’s long past due for democrats to take their gloves off and false piety and go muck around in the mud for once.
I think it’s telling that biden can do almost anything right now as a lame duck and does he choose to do anything for the American people? NO! he selfishly helps his son and leaves the rest of us to rot. He could of forgiven student loans, he could of legalized weed, he could of stopped supporting Israel, he could of packed the courts, he could of done a whole bunch of different things that would help us.
But he said it himself when he got elected nothing will fundamentally change which is why Harris lost.
Joe didn’t fuck anyone over.
They spent 9 months saying this proves Dems are better...
If I'm not doing a good job of explaining it, Mondays episode of the daily show even plays a montage of all them doing 180s as soon as Biden announced the pardon...
He could pardon people in immigration detention.
He could pardon people with federal marijuana convictions.
He could pardon people on federal death row.
He could pardon Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Leonard Peltier, or any of the feds other miscarriages of justice.
But no.
He just pardons his crackhead son and leaves.
The party had already thrown itself under the bus by not cultivating younger presidential candidates years ahead of this election. Harris made a damn good effort to fill in when they finally smelled the coffee, but Democratic voters who refused to step off their moral purity pedestals to vote for her threw the whole fucking country under the bus. But fine, if it's not the Democratic Party or boomers or a "weak" campaign it can be this pardon that rationalizes not bothering to vote.
Harris made a damn good effort to fill in
She most certainly did not.
She performed terribly in her last primary because no one liked her, and as soon as she got the nomination handed to her. She immediately and continually moved right until the election despite her numbers going down everytime she moved right.
She rais d 1.5 billion by selling out the party platform, but that's not a "good effort" because all that money couldn't buy back the votes she lost by moving to the right to get that money.
The only way someone could say she did well is if they care about dollars more than votes.
The reason why is because small crimes need to be punished in order to keep the plebs and peasants in line. Large crimes cannot be committed by little people. The most that you and I can do in terms of crime is maybe murderer someone, but someone in a massive position of power like Elon Musk and the (thankfully late) Brian Thompson can kill thousands of people with a stroke of a pen. But because there is some disconnect between their deaths and that pen stroke society doesn't call that murder. So they can go free while you and I would be executed or have to spend life in a small dank cell with nothing grey walls and pain.
It's also why many war criminals in Nuremberg had fairly light punishments and were often allowed to continue in positions of military and political significance after. The reason why people like Goering and Gobbells and Himmler would have been executed is less to do with their war crimes and more to do with the threat they posed politicially. They would never have followed what the Allied installed government would have wanted or changed their policies but would be undermining everything at every turn if allowed back into office. So they are done away with while the lower level chumps just got 4 or 10 years for killing who knows how many and then living their lives as normal.
Think back to when bill was caught getting blowies in the oval office. Given the power dynamics it was some fucked up shit. Then remember the circus around Monica.
Dems like the to pretend that was one isolated indiscretion and all is forgiven and forgotten. They pretend their reputation is untarnished and they can rise above all criticism using thier infallible moral comprehension.
The truth is their reputation never recovered. For the last 20+ years we've been suppressing an intolerable amount of disdain for the party that they truthfully can never recover from.
The DNC is a sunk cost. It's why the GOP has been able to thwart democracy itself because the keepers of high morals were proven to be jus lowley scum bags like the rest of us. If they are just as slobbernly as don down the street why not let don run everything. At least don doesn't try to hide it.
Our values cannot be protected by the dems. That is why I say let them fight. Let them spend all this capital they've amassed and we can all move on after everyone realizes they can't defeat the GOP and the titans have been freed. The old gaurd is dead. It's time for Hercules.
While not wrong about this, hasanibanani is like a shaking Chihuahua baring his teeth
Care to expand on the ad hominem further?
You can absolutely say that he talks a lot and doesn’t throw himself into the political arena by running for office, union/community organizing, etc but he’s a political commentator. Contextualizing and analyzing current political events is 100% his lane.
All the chatter about him as the ‘left’s answer to Joe Rogan’ fails to understand that the DNC doesn’t want him, because they wolnt abandon neoliberalism and defense of institutions above all else. They’d rather pump Pod Save America where they can reliably get softball questions pitched and the party messaging transmitted at listeners
I apologize, I don't watch him a lot. So I suppose I only get the drama. Also I wanted to say hasanibanani which amused me. Your points are probably good too, I don't follow US politics much, other than crazy headlines, which admittedly there are a lot of