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  • I was on ml and it was pretty chill for a non-tankie. Until a mod powertripped and ban me for insulting an homophobe. Some people like me join the instance without knowing of all this tankie thing. IMO, hexbear is far more toxic.

    • Hexbear has some users with strong Linux and tech knowledge. That's why I still haven't blocked the instance.

    • IMO, hexbear is far more toxic.

      That's not an opinion, it's a fact. .ml is mostly OK 75% of the times. Hexbear is a cesspool always

    • The only bans I saw on your account were for being needlessly hostile- and they look like they all were extremely short.

      Re: the homophobic comments, in your posts that got removed you were hostile for what looks to me like your misinterpreting a bad attempt at a bad joke (not even from .ml user, but .ee), though you didn't tell them to kys that time at least. You then went through the their profile responding to months old posts to try to continue things, again being needlessly hostile- if I had to venture a guess that was more of the reason for your ban 5 months ago. Plenty of other instances will also temp ban for behavior like that.

      and then 8 months ago you dropped this gem: CW self harm, transphobia

      The accusations of toxicity seem to be projection.

      • Every fucking time.

      • CW self harm, transphobia

        Why don't you show the context?

        The user bullied me for being gay. He's the one who went into my history and saw I was a gay dad. He reply to my comment about the fact that I love my daughter with the reply "You're gay". Then mods like you told me it was a "bad joke' remove my post and let the douche's post up.

        Now I'd like to see where I've been transphobe, , I have a trans person really close to me that would probably like to see that but it never happened.

      • I've been a victim of stuff like that. It is straight up not cool and a asshole move.

        You are welcome to disagree with me and you can even hate me but at the end of the day harassment is not ok.

  • Its insane how much shit .ml and .world users fling at eachother. Ml is filled with smug historical revisionist authoritarians and Russia bootlicking other empire supporting "anti-imperalists", meanwhile .world is filled with genocide apologizing western imperialists and neoliberal bootlickers for the capitalist class. Genuenly im not sure which is worse but they're both obnoxious and unbearable, imperialism is imperialism regardless of the empire.

    • The ML mod in a game community telling a user that they wanted to shoot them, then doubled down on that, then tripled down still further with "I hope you die soon" points to systemic issues (such issues are widespread and well-known, as well as the entire-instance perma-bans routinely dished out by the admins themselves; you can directly read the mods own words for this particular event here).

      LW mods have some issues as well, but e.g. recently the one responsible for this latest string of short 24-hr bans has already apologized within hours of the occurrence, in another comment citing a potential misunderstanding of the extent to which she was asked by admins to have done so and acknowledging her own biases that lead to that (event).

      They are nowhere close to being the same. Definitely in degree at least if not entirely in kind.

    • Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.