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Starting on Sunday, China will give all the least developed countries with which it has diplomatic relations zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines

  • in a better world xi would get a nobel peace prize for all of his belts and roads, and this, and peace between iran and saudi arabia, amongst other things

    • True, but it would also required denobeling all the unworthy scum who got it before, right now it is an absolute insult to put Xi in one line with people like Kissinger, wałęsa, Wilson, Dalai Lama, Gorbachev, Obama or many more.

      • Kissinger

        jfc it always breaks my brain that this, bloodless ghoul, has the "peace prize"

        the whole nobel office building should be drowned in the blood off the people killed by the recipiants

    • Sure, but the good news is that we live in a world where they are still doing this without a nobel prize. The good thing that deserves a prize is getting done here, in the world we live in now. Can't be too bitter about that.

    • if only China were advanced enough to invent an alternative to the nobel prize system, so westerners wouldn't be the only ones giving themselves awards

    • Obama fixed the economy, something communist China hates.

  • China — Open Cooperation, regardless of who it is with

    America — Sanction, sanction, sanction

    • Oprah - "...and you get a sanction! And you get a sanction! And YOU get a sanction!"

      • anybody remember that story about state department employees in a band doing a The Police parody "Every Little Thing We Do Is Sanctions" or similar? it was one of things that was so on the nose it was hard to believe. I can't find it now but I think CTH mentioned it

  • As I fly americanly upward into the sky, reaching the apex of my climb, I notice something small traveling next to me. It's a twisted piece of metal, a little fragment of the petard that detonated and sent me up here.

    It's got something written on it