Just gotta make sure it's the younger Krishna and not the older one who will slap you a few times and lecture you about doing your duty when you get shy
I'm not saying we're not beautiful, I believe we are both beautiful and flawed. Imperfections are what create new quirks and differences that we can learn to appreciate and grow with, not against.
Kurzgesagt released video (this one) which is kinda similar to this idea of yours. Not perfectly tho. It claims that you are everyone, and you are essentially a growing god.
Edit: explanation to the link, removal of the first one due to misinterpreted meme
The Egg is a nice story. Although tbh it's nothing new in the history of philosophy. I'm guessing from OP's username they are referencing Indian non-dualism (Hindu variants like Vedanta or Kashmir Shaivism to explain my comment below 😅, sometimes Buddhism). The core idea being that reality is simply the godhead/universe deluded by its material form.