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A woman bypassed multiple security checkpoints to get on a Delta flight to Paris. Here’s what we know | CNN

So you're telling me that the TSA is only a thing to harass people that aren't white?

  • Damn FBI/CIA really planting the crumbs leading up to some sort of 9/11 2.0: nuclear boogaloo and the resulting total lockdown

    This time Saudi royals will have nukes...

    The TSA is pure security theatre and anyone who thinks otherwise shouldn't be trusted. They're either incompetent, ignorant, or in the tank fully for the worst types of people

    It should be pretty telling on the surface too that in the like ~100 years or so of flight (maybe like 75? for being available to "normal" civilians. Something like that anyway) there was ONE successful attack pulled off and suddenly the entire congress agreed "Yep! Lock that shit down!" (In the most incompetent and ineffective way possible).

    Meanwhile there are like a solid dozen horrifying murder (really bad ones that catch media headlines) events every year, police brutality in the form of them executing people with guns, regular people going on rampages, etc. and not a peep is heard from one side except to maybe scream "How dare you!? Not right now! We can't talk about this!" and, well, dems have given that up too. Just another one of those cool little "out in the open corruption" things in the land of the free ™️ 🦅

    When a lobby exists for something, oddly no laws get passed despite the public broadly desiring at least some legislation so they can send their kid to school and not worry about shootings. Maybe if some lobbyists start donating $30K per year to Ted Cruz (these people are always bought off extremely cheaply is another interesting aspect) he'll suddenly develop the opinion that ineffective, unnecessary, mandatory searches by the government to use a "required" (in certain circumstances) form of travel is pretty clearly ridiculous and violates at least the spirit of the law (4th amendment. Not going to get caught doing that circlejerk though. That's why Ted gets the big bucks. Let him jerk... or... well...)