What are the most unexpected side effects of T that you've gotten?
What are the most unexpected side effects of T that you've gotten?
What are the most unexpected side effects of T that you've gotten?
lmfao i have so many... the worst and most unexpected by far is that i produce so much more saliva. i've drooled on myself more since testosterone than like... the rest of my life. it's fucking absurd, i'll be working really intently on something and whoopsie daisy! drool. sometimes i'll even BE TRYING not to drool on myself and somehow it still happens 💀💀💀
the nose hair really got me too, that shit is a sensory nightmare
on a more positive note, the increase in my nail thickness. my dad used to give me shit when i was young and female presenting for not being able to do stuff with my nails that he could, since it hurt. well, it turns out that testosterone makes your nails thicker!! so no shit i couldn't do it.......... i can now tho
i do also feel like i need to trim them my nails often, too, though
the terrible eye boogers... like, i used to have to rub some shit out of my eyes after i woke up, right? but nowadays it's like, i HAVE to wash my face off after i wake up. i never had to do that before testosterone, i thought people were just weird and fastidious about cleanliness when they talked about washing their face in the morning. no, if i don't want my eyes to be caked in shit, i HAVE to wash them after i wake up (also, see above re: drooling, when it comes to sleep 😭)
edit: OH i thought of another one. i have to talk SO MUCH SLOWER on testosterone, now that my voice is deeper!! the words just don't happen right if i talk too fast... my voice and vocal cords can't keep up. but this is miserable because i have ADHD and i want to get the words OUT while i REMEMBER THEM and now it takes SO LONG. i feel like i talk half as fast as i used to!!
I'm curious how long have you been on T
oh right, i should have said. it's been about 5 years!
as for something i have personally experienced, i didn’t expect it to physically get harder to create tears when i felt like i was gonna cry. been on t for almost 15 years now. it’s gotten a little easier but still not anywhere near as easy as when i was young.
not one that I've gotten but one that isn't discussed much is urinary and fecal incontinence with longterm use due to pelvic floor atrophy
From my understanding that's pretty rare. Also know plenty of cis women who've gotten that from age and/or childbirth.
In general, not enough research is done on longterm health, especially since maintaining longterm access to healthcare can be difficult for many. but here is one study on it: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38662108/