I don't get it, can someone explain?
Why is the doctor conjuring up a heart in the third panel
He's explaining medical stuff. Black lung damages the whole cv. Heart being central.
Narratively... ya, maybe a poor decision.
This should have been 4 panels
But it's called "huge cartoons". It has to have six at least! /J
lung is not skin
lung is not skin
Whoosh! Thanks, Captain Obvious!
Next time can you post a serious comic with no punchline please. Thanks.
What is going on in the 3rd panel?
youre welcome
Nothing of value was lost.
This doesn't work in Europe where this bullshit fortunately doesnt exist. Yet. But don't worry, we'll get there.
And with bullshit i mean this US versus THEM narrative.
where in Europe do you think "this" doesn't exist?
Europe invented this and shipped it to all other continents
Yes, that's why far-right candidates have been willing elections all over Europe. /s
Hey now, that's about scary foreigners and people with scary foreign ancestors
It's more insidious this side of the Atlantic. At least in countries where non-native people are commonplace anyway.
But right across the board the insidiousness takes the form of not caring rather than being outright hateful. So when, as others mention, far-right, definitely hatefully racist, political candidates start being elected, those who vote for them have carried their lack of caring over.
Those who don't care don't discourage racism so it continues to exist. To flourish. I believe that MLK Jr. said that those people are worse than the hateful - he called them "white moderates" - because they stand by and do nothing when they're greater in number than the actual racists and could actually do something about it.
Yes, I know "native" is a problematic word, but I don't want to have to unpick that for the sake of this comment.
It's how we divide and conquer.
And the 99% gobbles it up. Lol.