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  • Currently still playing modded with sibling. We're doing well, the winery is chugging along. We finally bought the golden clock, with no help from me constantly buying the biiiiig bombs.

  • no map update this week, i've been eyeing other things.

    I will say I've got plans however. I want to make four more sheds. One to grow Fairy Rose year-round in pots. Another to make Diamonds. Another to make Jade, and the last one, uhhh, i dunno. Maybe another brewery shack. I just want an even number, eheh. Part of me wants to make a dedicated preserves shack, but I just don't produce enough cucumber roe for that, and salmonberry / blackberry jam doesn't seem worth the investment.

    Once I get the island hut repaired, I'm gonna go all in on year-round starfruit production too. I like my steady supply of Ancient Fruit, but I want some big numbers to make the fairy dust I'm gonna be producing worth it.

  • The farm is coming along great, have a consistent income stream going and working on modernising the farm with production and storage going into sheds.

    Robin earned big bank in fall of year 2 as it was non-stop construction on the farm.

    So far I have 2 coops with 10 chickens, 4 ducks, 4 rabbits, 3 barns with 5 goats, 4 cows, 6 sheep and 4 pigs.

    Looking towards have 12 chickens, 4 ducks, 4 rabbits, 4 dinosaurs, 6 goats, 6 cows, 12 sheep 6 pigs and 6 ostriches eventually.

    In Winter year 2 now and working on getting my silo setup complete - thinking about 8 for a comfortable winter storage with wiggle room

    Have my fruit trees grown and using the greenhouse for my tea and ancient fruit for now.

    In regards to skills

    Being a shepard is pretty cool as I have access to daily wool when they are high hearts.

    Like the crabs pots without having to refill them and probably prefer it a bit more than fishing

    Mining is alright, the convenience of extra ores are great but I feel that the other specialisation gels with my playstyle more

    Foraging for extra timber feels better than I thought as hard wood is no longer an issue when maxed, although I do miss the organisational convenience that the foraging tree provides

    Scout surprisingly feels better than I gave it credit, feels good to hit enemies for 200+ with the lava sword, although it is a toss up between better crits or shorter cooldowns

  • Just started a new save! Took me about three hours to update my mods, download any new cool ones, and iron out any bugs, but now I'm remembering why I procrastinated doing this...

    In all seriousness, I'm half way through spring and having a blast!