Preferred Pronouns
Preferred Pronouns
Preferred Pronouns
That's a very complicated way to spell "insecurity".
These idiots take other people being proud of who they are as a personal attack against males. I debate if it's insecurity or ego to think it's all about them. You can be proud to be male, it's just kind of dickish since society has literally never cared about you being male.
In a hyper-individuelistic society where everyone is constantly being compared and judged, the feeling that you're better than everyone else brings incredible relief. Of course the concept of being better than others is deeply flawed but you never learned to question these things. So how do you achieve the feeling? Study hard, lift others around you, save your money. Sure, but that takes years, and it's hard work. So what if you're inherently better than others-- that solves it. Race, language, gender, nationaliry.. All things that cost you no effort. There's another shortcut to these feelings. All you have to do to in order to become better than most of the population and get into to heaven is say that you believe the Bible. That's it. Just gotta say you believe it and you're in the club. Zero effort, all the dopamine. Supporting some sports team. Buying a particular car. Using what you buy to signal to others something about you. Bumper stickers, adding a ribbon to your profile picture, posting some cringe on LinkedIn, attention seeking on your birthday.. All attempts to showcase how excellent you are with minimal effort.
So if your entire sense of self worth is based on attributes about you which you were either born with or cost you no effort, you'll want to support anyone who places importance on those things. Nationality, consumerism, race, gender, religion, etc.
According to the handkerchief code, he's a bottom that gives handies
I used to wear a black kerchief around my left wrist when I was hiking, for wiping sweat and washing face, TIL I'm a strong SM top when I'm on the trails. Not quite sure what that means but I'm willing to learn.
I cannot with these codes... "Cop". "Copsucker" 😭
TIL the LGBT scene is gatekeeping out the colorblind
American queer people were like, "hankies!" and British queer people were like, "they're going to treat us like criminals, so let's use the secret criminal language." And then they were like, "fuck you, we're teaching it to everyone else."
Well, we take the hankies out when someone catches a whiff of Lily Law or Jennifer Justice.
But for real, both are really cool means of coded communication. Hankies are definitely less of a “Gay men” thing than a leather community thing, though that’s getting into niche enough subcultural divisions that it’s not the sort of thing most people care to learn and there’s really no point for them to. But yeah the hankies partly served the same role as polari, it’s a way to communicate illegal desires in a way that requires being taught the code. It’s actually quite similar to learning drug slang, except with a higher barrier to entry back in the day.
Damn you beat me to it lmao
As a man, I have never been "proud" to be a man, I mostly feel ambivalent about it, it is who I am, I'd rather be proud about my actions than my gender.
In case you get any odd responses, while many people use ambivalent to mean they don't care, it actually means you have contradictory feelings, i e., you are both for and against something.
This. I think it's kinda ridiculous to be proud of something you haven't done anything for. I'll much rather be proud of the thing I did than about shit like where I'm born or as what I'm born.
I will make no secret about how I don't really understand transgender people, it used to annoy me, but since about a year or two ago I realized that it doesn't matter to me, and it apparently matters a lot to them.
So I stopped caring enough to be annoyed, I realized that if they are happy and it doesn't hurt others, then I have no reason to make their day worse.
To all trans people, I may not understand what you feel, but I will not be a dick about it, my confusion is my own issue and I will do my best to not make it yours.
No one should be proud of a demographic quality like race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. You should be proud of accomplishments .
Depends on your context of "proud". Pride movements for instance aren't nessisarily about being specifically proud of your gender / sexual orientation in the same way one is of your accomplishments. The movement co-opted the word to mean something subtly different. When some says "I am a proud gay man" for instance the statement does not imply "I think I am particularly special given this trait and am worthy of praise because of it" what is actually being implied is "I am not ashamed by this trait and will not be treated as if I should be. "
The movement has it's own language and "Pride" specifically was chosen as being the opposite of shame which was the affect people were expected to have by society. The people who created the idea did so out of participation in gay support groups at the time where the social norm was always that you had to perform a performative regret like being gay was a habit akin to a drug addiction. You were reinforced to adopt a narrative that you were unhappy and struggling - even when actually your partner and community might be a source of great joy. Gay Marches were shirt and tie events where one soberly asked for people to see you as a human that passes for straight, all the culture and actual proclivity tucked behind a neat mask where that undercurrent of shame was still at play.
True Emancipation, according to the Pride movement, was fighting the narrative that there was anything shameful about being happy. They decked themselves in rainbows as an allusion to the joy they wanted to show the world, modeled Pride events on Independence day events and affected instead of performative shame performative pride. Something that would allow them to be unapologetic in their fight for actual rights to exist in the light of day as opposed to the former affect of shame that turned them into pitiful beggars asking for scraps of patchy tolerance to exist in the shadows as people who would treat their own way of being as a failure state.
[Insert meme of cyclist putting a stick in their own spokes]
These people need to be a victim fighting against an enemy, real or not. That's why they're so aggressively straight, white, and male...
"The lady doth protest too much"
"The lady doth protest too much"
"The lady male doth protest too much"
if people don't like this comment in context to the post I'm willing to take it down
He's proud fucking men. Good for him.
He's proud fucking men. Good for him.
He is “men”? As in multiple? So we should refer to him as they/them?
"Pride" is indeed the correct term.
Some people would have just cut their hair to give the societal cue about their gender, but I give this guy credit for making a special pronoun vest instead of conforming.
(Not only) Metalheads will give you a weird look for such statements.
He/Him, but also asshole
What a fucking pussy he can’t even spell fuck out
He tried his best.
I guarantee he didn’t want to spell it out because it’s a bad word because he’s a fucking pussy
Also the abbreviate is Fucken' or Fuckin" the Fuck is left unaltered
Yeah, he’s too pussy to spell out fuck because it’s a bad word
You're not a man until you've had a man
There was that meme that I read that I can't remember but paraphrasing.
How straight people will never ever be 100% confident they're straight. But if you sex a person of the same gender and don't like it, only then can you with no uncertainty, be 100% confident you're straight.
ah yes the ye ol' adage does proclaim as such:
You are what you eat! ;)
So I am a three Turkey sandwiches and six cans of Mt. Dew code red on this day.
What's funny is "deal with it" is exactly the point. The unironic way he proudly announces his preferred identity is laughable.
Does anybody really give a shit, if he's male? Like how does that change my life or affect anything or anybody anywhere? Seriously the egos of these freakin' snowflakes.
New drag king fit just dropped:
The biggest offense here is calling something without sleeves a jacket
If he's proud of fucking a man, that's fine. Weird way to write it, though.
Call him "ma'am" and see how upset he gets when you misgender him
Hmmm, on the other hand, he's a fragile man child with a gun, and historically that goes bad for people with my complexion.
brown hair and pronouns >:(
@FlyingSquid "Ok, then. That was always allowed!"
Thats a lot of words just to say "I'm a dumbass"
Okay, so: Masturbation, and Performer.. basically he's telling us he's a wanker.
Rust and brown are far too close for how different they are
For some reason, I'm thinking "cigars" in that context isn't about two guys just hanging out, actually lighting up tobacco products?
The trans flag suits me well.
I guess this guy doesn't like to get misgendered
As if the truck nuts weren't a clue.
Gender-affirmimg truck surgery
So he's saying he's a proud, boy?
You identify as a cis heterosexual he/him and AMAB?
Good for you, you know that was always an option regardless of the LGBTQ movement?
I 'love' it when someone belonging to the most priviliged group there is acts like they're oppressed. Like, oh you're a cishet male he/him? Good for you, I don't care.
If homosexual people have rights to publicly say that they're 'homosexual' then why not him.
That's the beauty of free speech.
Government can't censor him for an opinion.
However I can sure as hell ridicule the living shit out of someone advertising how insecure and weirdly aggressive about being an incel they are without the government censoring my opinion.
Absolutely he should have the right to say it. Is it cringe to announce loudly that you’re part of the social default unprompted? Also yes.
I support this man's man-love!
This instantly gets better when worn by a trans individual
Born Male
Trans individual
Assigned gender at birth
Just think about the sad, long life of Janet... This man's first cousin and long time beard that microwaves his Hormel chili each night.
He got tired of people not knowing he was a male I guess
Are we gonna run right passed/past (I'll never get it) this motherfuckers surrender flag holster?
I was more worried about the handkerchief code... White in right rear pocket translates to... Well take a look:
i love the hanky
The door on the closet this guy is trapped in is shaking on its hinges...
I bet this male has never interacted with a left leaning person his entire life and is just wildly swinging.
Ironically this man is very very gay
I mean, the shirt does say that he's fucking male...
Actually, it says he's "fukin'" male. Lol
And invites you to "deal" with it 😘
I question the fuckin' part. Don't think he's getting laid.
fukin', even. Fuin'!
Is that a gift shop? Like where they sell fancy-looking jams and scented candles?
It is a Cracker Barrel. Restaurant with a gift shop. You checkout at the counter that is in the gift shop section.
It is a Cracker Barrel
This all makes complete sense now. Thank you!
I don't even really go there but I recognized that checkout counter instantly lol. Used to love the giftshop when I was a kid
He must have been tired of people whistling at him from behind... Hmmm
can someone explain?
The shirt is using an aggressive tone, which is inferring the person wearing is someone who would complain about "those damn libs and their pronouns."
But even with the aggressive tone, the shirt is letting us know that which pronouns he uses.
It's strange that he feels the need to tell everyone they need to deal with the fact that he was born a man and identifies as a man when nobody has a problem with that.
Imagine someone saying "yes, I like pepperoni pizza, deal with it." Like, uh, okay, it's one of the most popular pizza ingredients. Extremely uncontroversial opinion, there. Compare that to someone saying something like "yes, I like pineapple and anchovies on my pizza, deal with it." While it still may be odd/cringey to wear a shirt saying that, it's at least a controversial opinion.
That man in the image is projecting to everyone the complete opposite of what his whispering subconscious is trying to tell him; the truth is that he is likely very very gay or an uncracked egg envious trans woman, but his dogmatic religious upbringing and close-minded social circles and family would ostracize him for acting on his desires to be overtly gay/trans.
I don't agree at all. While it's true that some folks are projecting, I don't think it's good to assume they all are.
Hey look, it's the inspiration for Hank Hill's body proportions
That narrow-hipped man's blouse says, "Yeah I suck dicks, but I spits out the cum cuz I ain't gay brother!!!"