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How Ancient Apocalyptic Jewish Ascent Esotericism Laid the Foundations of Christianity

Ancient Jewish Merkavah Mysticism sought to ascend into the palaces of the divine realm, bypass fearsome angels of destruction to gain a vision of the very Chariot-Throne of God. By beholding the divine glory (kavod) one could gain magical powers and even be transformed into an eternal Angel. And it was this form of esoteric mysticism that it appears profoundly transformed none-less than St Paul. From his ascent into the Third Heaven to even his 'mission to the gentiles,' historical evidence now strongly indicates that Paul was a secret practitioner of this form of mystical ascent. And, recent studies are now revealing that his very Theology, Christology and Theory of Salvation likely drew upon this ancient esoteric Jewish ascent mysticism.

YouTube channel: Esoterica


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