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Trans Megathread for the Week of November 25th, 2024 to December 1st, 2024

Hello everyone! Hestia here with a new Megathread! Years ago, before I transitioned and when I was still in college I took an anthropology class. My favorite part of the class was when we were covering different gender customs across the globe and got to make a report on one of them. I can't remember exactly which one I chose for that project, but what I do remember is a map with different pins scattered on it with various forms of gender-queerness. I decided to track it down and share it with you folks!

Edit: you have to open this in a browser, if you're on a phone it will automatically try to open it in Google maps and won't bring up the info.

This map provides a brief summary of these genders, but does not go in depth. If you find any you're interested in, feel free to do some further research and share your findings here. I'll pin a comment to this post you can attach them. I'm going to share a couple that I found interesting and decided to look further into myself, both of them are non-binary and native american in origin.

The first one I want to talk about is the Winkte, which is a third gender role that was particulatly notable in the Lakota tribe The Winkte are seen as half-men, half-women, and considered sacred. They are typically AMAB and historically have served unique roles in matters of romance and matchmaking and often served as intermediaries for prospecting couples and their families. They also participated in war parties, functioning primarily as witnesses to battle and as doctors to care for the injured. They were also seen as seers, able to forsee paths to victory.

This next one I'm going to talk about seems mostly local to the Zuni people called the "Lhamana" and I find the Zuni culture to be particularly fascinating, even just doing a cursory glance at it.

Gender roles were well defined in Zuni culture, but the Zuni also valued the concept of a "middle" as it represented stability. This originates from their creation myth, which I won't go in detail here because I don't feel qualified to summarize it, but it's in the link down below.

The Zuni culture is pretty neat and they don't refer to gender when talking about children. They believed that gender wasn't an inborn trait but something you acquired as you approached puberty. I wish this was the western approach, but alas.

As children approach puberty they begin to differentiate through different hair styles or clothing choices. AFAB Lhamana would grind corn and make a bowl of stew when they get their first period. There's probably some cultural significance to this, but I'm not going to do a deep dive on it right now. AMAB Lhamana would start to wear dresses once they hit puberty and start performing women's work. Both AMAB and AFAB Lhamana were allowed to switch between male and female gender roles as they pleased.

That's all for now! To wrap thing up I would like to invite yall to our public matrix server!

As a reminder, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It's for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well.

Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.

  • Whoamg my boobs are so huge now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    I’m in a ton of pain though. But I’m alive so woo! And my chest has melons on it!

  • I got gendered correctly today. Had someone calling out "sir, sir", trying to ask me for directions. I turn to face them, and they look confused. "Sir, Ma'am, I can't tell with the mask on". I took my shot, put on my best fem voice. I had mastered the talk-no-jutsu, my voice training was about to pay off. I looked at the person, and proceeded to ignore most of the training, just changing pitch and speaking more softly. It still worked, I got called ma'am. They later apologized for getting it wrong, and I just said no worries. No eyebows. No stare. No disgust.

    I've done it, I've won :keikaku:

    • Just according to keikaku

      It is fuckin awesome when you can slack and still get gendered correctly, which for me came with time, feels great tbh...

    • You'll find that most people aren't all that observant in regards to voices. Most just listen for pitch and ignore the rest. We're our own worst enemies with voice training.

      This is something I really need to tell myself even though I have a perfect voice. I still lose my mind over it even after years of having it down.

  • today in adventures in being out at work

    guy comes up to me and while i'm pretty used to being called "sir" because of my barely trained voice, this guy called me "sir" before i fucking said a word to him

    , so I just took a mental deep breath and responded to him in my best femme voice I could muster. I think I could feel that it was at least good enough to put him on his toes because the rest of the interaction was kind of awkward and he never called me a man after

  • So I was a little worried that I wouldn't actually be happy after moving and that it was all just my own brainworms that I'd never be able to get rid of...

    I was wrong. I'm actually feeling genuinely happier about life and at least somewhat hopeful about the future. I like the new job, new location is better than I imagined, and I'm making plans to start socializing IRL for the first time in ages. Everything seems to be going well and it kind of scares me a little, but I can't go through life just being worried all the time I suppose.

    Also makes me happy that people are posting cute stuff in /c/cute :D I honestly wasn't sure people would be into it but at least some are. I need to keep finding new cute stuff to post to keep the cute train moving forward though.

  • Hanging out with fellow transmascs is so funny. Can’t really explain why so I’ll just leave it at that. (It was cool though)

  • I think we should make a tracha-lite (tracha but less chaotic/probably with a spray bottle to keep users like me contained). There's been at least a few people (4~ come to mind) I've seen and talked to who said normal tracha can be overwhelming or intimidating.

    I know we talked about that a bit in the tracha mods chat, but figure that tossing the idea here would probably also help it not be drowned out by other chats (might make a post or idk later as well, idk)

  • going to ruin Thanksgiving this year by being a trans woman, getting drunk, and then screaming about how this holiday is a celebration of genocide and that we're currently on the stolen land of the Notdoxxingmyself people

  • I preemptively unsubbed from all the major trans subreddits right before election night, and about 3 weeks later, i do not regret that decision in the slightest and am glad i saved my mental health from all the


  • Suffering intensifies

    Don't even know what the fuck is wrong with me anymore but whyyyyyyyyy. I don't have a brain that works right anymore. Really feels like my entire life collapsed at once. Not a good feeling.

    Things I miss: interacting with people, not being in excruciating pain all the time, not having realised that I have several needs that run counter to eachother or are guaranteed to be painful for me. I hate.

  • ::: spoiler ableist :america-cool: brained relative

    Had a lovely celebration of family, but good lord my uncleinlaw was a fucker. First time meeting him, and he came with some ableist transphobic BS and didnt hear shit from other perspectives. Fucker goin on about

    in america and making r*-slur jokes, goddamn i almost forget what people are like, all my friends are some form of leftist, and like 85% are trans. Anyway just wanted to vent.

  • Euphoria: New outfit items acquired: tights and colored socks.

    • Having no butt is fortunately the most solvable body issue, besides like changing your hairstyle. A fat butt isn't born, it's built

    • ::: spoiler unsolicited gymrat advice Hip thrusts with alternating heavy low rep sets and high rep low weight sets, like a 3/6 heavy, 3/20 light blend

      Seated hip ab/adduction cable weight machine, same blend of heavy+low volume/light+high volume

      Bulgarian split squats with opposite side loading with a kettlebell, lighter working weight with more sets and reps and slower concentric lift focusing on form and getting some hip activation

      Alternating leg lunges with a farmer's carry with dumbbells or kettlebells (can substitute with leg press and leg curls/extensions on machines if your knees don't like those, same with the split squats)

      Donkey kicks with an ankle cuff on a cable weight station, either on the floor on a mat or standing ones if you have access to a dedicated machine like this (my gym has one of these and it quite literally whips ass imho)

      Cossack squats, lateral lunges or pistol/shrimp/dragon squats if you're fancy and really good at bodyweight stuff and have good balance and RoM

      For your butt!

      (I also have disappointing butt genetics but I'm working my ass, uh, on? It's frustratingly slow but I'm making some gains) :::

  • the surgeon I was going with backed out because he doesn't feel confident enough for my specific case yet. he said he would try to research and contact me again in a few weeks to see if he found any leads for where I go

  • I kinda just don’t care about sex anymore. Like it’s still enjoyable but I don’t crave it in the way that I crave food. Chat does this mean the estrogen is working?

  • Not to suck my own gock but i think my boobs are really really great and im so happy with them. Theyre very pretty, well proportioned and never fail to make me feel better ab my body even when i have severe dysphoria. Sadly a lot of the women in my family have had breast cancer, idk what id do if i lost mine to that. Cry a lot and throw up and shit myself at the bare minimum most likely